one day it'll all make sense.

Posts tagged ‘AMRAP’

carry on :)

Commit already!  Post the damn thing :p

come so far

I’ll start off by saying Saturday was totally awesome, cause it WAS!!  I love the competitive camaraderie that electrifies the air at CFD during one of these events.  Love doing things I’ve never done before, and love watching and cheering while other do the same.  Only down side to Saturday’s festivities – my wrists hurt so badly when I got home that I spent my evening wrapped in ice and flat-out on my couch.  My left one was the worst, but led to another lesson learned – It was the right one that was bothering me part way through yesterday, so I pulled out a wrist wrap for the rest of the comp.  Noted.  If you’re wrapping one wrist, wrap both!  Saturday night was the kind of agony that makes ya nauseous, but thankfully today is not so bad!  No Sunday ball hockey for this kid though 😦  It’s still a struggle to work the pepper mill LOL!  Sunday morning breakfast went pepper-free :p


Sat. June 27:

CFD Showdown Throwdown

WOD 1 – 15 minute AMRAP
1 Rope Climb
7 Kettlebell Swings
7 Burpees w/jump on #45 plate
*each team member completes full round, then tags next person

WOD 2 – 15 minutes, in 30 sec rounds
Determine 4 rep max: Power Clean
*1 bar per team
**once weight is added to the bar, it cannot be removed
***ALL 4 reps must be touch and go

#105 (got 3 reps at #115, but failed the 4th)

WOD 3 – For time:
Row 30 calories
30 Thrusters #115
Row 30 calories
30 Thrusters #65
Row 30 calories
30 Thrusters #45

5 min AMRAP – Wallballs #10
4 min AMRAP – Power Snatch #65
3 min AMRAP – Muscle Ups

WOD 1 went well.  The rope climbs and KBS were uneventful, the burpees were actually the biggest challenge I found cause of the plate jump bit.  The first round I was all over the show, but once I found the rhythm it was all good.  WOD 2 – 4 rep max?  who does that?  haha!  We do 3 rep max, and 5 rep max… but 4?  Anyways, we decided to start with #85 – no problemo.  Then #95 – also success.  Then up to #105 and my first attempt I stuck 3 reps, but failed the 4th.  Second attempt – round completed.  Then up to #115 – same deal, succeeded with 3 and failed the 4th.  There was a team communication stutter-step after where more weight was loaded before I could try again.  It’s all good 🙂  I was happy with 4 reps @ #105 considering that was my 1 rep max like 2 months ago.  Plus my failed rep was pretty hard on my wrists.  Ok, everyone has a funny lifting face pic, right?  Well, I have a new one :p  Not that I’m complaining!  I’m just happy people are staring to feel comfortable picking up my camera when I’m the one working out too 🙂

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Not something I haven’t run into before, but I still have the bad habit of going into a rowing sprint way too hard.  Kept my calorie split on pace with the guy on our team at 1400-1450 calories per hour, then when I got off the rower to head for the 30 thrusters I realized my mistake.  #65 isn’t super-heavy, but I was dying!  Got through the first 10… then 5… then 3… yeah.  By the end I was struggling to string together 2 in a row, and fighting hard to lock the bar out so the rep would count.  Not pretty.

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**Of note from the last 2 images… I’m totally left leg dominant it seems.  Maybe cause my right is the problem one?

Then the next WOD was wallballs.  Oh joy!  LOL!!  Like a lighter thruster and a whole 5 minutes of ’em.  With a couple of no reps in the mix, I ended with 100.  At one point someone came over and mentioned that the girl I was going head-to-head with was a rep or 2 ahead.  I think I muttered “you sush!” and carried on…

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back in business

Happy leprechaun day!  Ahh… St. Patrick’s.  The only day where I’ve ever seen the 5am class kicked back on the couch post-WOD drinking a beer.  No joke!  Any-who… I’m back in business.  In terms of fitnessy-type stuff anyway.  My spotty blog diligence may continue for a little while as I’m still adapting to parenting and waking up in the middle of the night for groggy puppy relief.  For us both!  Most nights I get this dopey “do I have to?” look from Yuko.  Trust me buddy, I don’t want to either!  Seems to be working to prevent any crying/barking/accidents though…

This morning’s WOD was the first since Friday where I’ve actually felt fully functional again.  Good thing!  Cause let’s be honest here… thrusters are just a sneaky way to get those with an aversion to wallballs to perform essentially the same movement, only heavier.  But today things felt great again 🙂

Tues. Mar. 17:

Teams of 3 AMRAP 25 Minutes:
3K Row
100- Dumbbell Snatches- HEAVY   #30
30- Thrusters #75/#55
30- Thrusters 395/#65
30- Thrusters #115/#80  #75 x15
30- Thrusters #135/#95
30- Thrusters #155/#105
Max Thrusters #185/#135 in Time Remaining

So, we didn’t get as far into the thrusters as planned, however still a fun WOD 🙂  Running buddy was part of my team and had wanted to get to the #105’s!  Say what?!  Not even sure I can do ONE #105 thruster??  That’s something to try in the near future…  However, I kind of really like Dumbell Snatches.  Just do.  I grabbed the #25 but Coach Dave gave me the Coach Dave disapproving look and pointed to the #30.  Yes sir!  Glad I took the push, cause it felt great.  Post WOD Sam and I got through the little accessory work for a little pact we’ve made to attempt 3 rounds of 15 GHD sit-ups 2-3 times per week.

Sun. Mar. 15:

Well, if Tuesday was awesomeness… Sunday was a hot mess.  I walked into the box praying there would be no wallballs.  Turns out anything was going to be rough.  My legs were still pretty wrecked.  Warm-up was 3x 4:00 on the rower and even that had me wanting to just cry.  A smart person would have taped out and crashed on a roller for a little mobility work.

AMRAP, 6 minutes:  “Cindy”
3 5 pull-ups
6 10 push-ups
9 15 squats

–RUN 800m–

AMRAP, 6 minutes: “Cindy”
3 5 pull-ups  ring pulls
6 10 push-ups
9 15 squats

The first AMRAP I survived somehow.  Shocking, considering my very first air squat I wasn’t sure I was going to stand up out of.  Then the run was cold and super windy and I grumbled to myself the whole time that “forget it!  I’m done!  I’ll just finish the run, then the couch is MINE!”  Got back inside, sulked in the washroom for a minute, then finished the WOD.  I may not be smart sometimes.  I might be a big baby at others.  But I’m NO quitter.

Now the EXCITING part!!

Crossfit Open WOD 15.3 – AMRAP, 14 minutes:

– 50 wallballs #10

– 200 single unders (not sure that’s even a thing??)

Result – 770 reps

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15.3 offered a scaled version that gave me a chance to use my inability to perform double unders to my advantage!  I’m pretty rock solid on singles after all the WODs I’ve opted for the DU scaling option of 3x the rep count in singles.  So 200 singles, bring it on!  😀  That’s not to say 15.3 wasn’t a kick in the BUTT.  I headed to the box Friday morning as per my usual routine and slid into the first heat to perform this bad boy.  I had laid out a game plan for myself in terms of breaking down the wallballs into sets of 15, 15, 10, 10 and try to keep the skipping unbroken.  First round – plans out the window.  The wallballs felt amazing, so I got a little cocky and did 30 unbroken before taking a break, then 10 & 10.  The first 200 single unders I got caught not paying attention and when the athlete next to me tripped, I tripped as well.  Got it together and completed the set.  Then came the second round of wallballs and with it I realized I was an idiot (for the 30 early on) but regrouped quickly and broke up the reps into smaller sets.  Second round of singles, unbroken baby 🙂  At the end of the day, I finished with a total of 770 reps.  1 whole rep ahead of one of my idols too!  I was pretty ok with that result on Friday, but as the weekend progressed and I watched more and more people perform the WOD I came to the conclusion that I was actually really kinda proud of myself.  When Coach Sharon had said “You KILLED it!” I had thought she was just being nice.  Lol!  And after 2 days of recovery, I could almost walk normally again.

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