one day it'll all make sense.

Archive for October, 2014

purely WODing


I failed to celebrate a few posts ago now… This is #304. 🙂 That’s a LOT of my randomness released out into the blogging world.  Sadly enough, I still complain about some of the same stuff.  But I’ve also come a long way baby! 🙂 With the help of my CFD family, I’ve found a place where I truly feel I belong. I’ve learned so much about myself – not all of which has been good discovery.  I’ve become stronger mentally, and WAY stronger physically. I’ve set some fears aside and found confidence I never could have imagined possible. Happy 304 🙂  #boxlove

This is a looooong one.  Sorry!  The longer I put off pressing “publish”, the longer it gets!  With every day that passes I have another WOD to add to the list.  Reality.  Deal with it.

Tues. Oct. 28:

30-20-10: Squat Cleans (#135/#95) #65
15-10-5: Strict Handstand Pushup seated strict press #45

Time – 10:34 (I think?)

Ok, this WOD doesn’t sound epicly terrible on paper.  I mean, I knew the handstand push-ups would be something I’d scale.  Also knew I wouldn’t be going Rx for 60 squat cleans.  But didn’t anticipate the reaction of the 6am class!  Smarti even called me as I was on my way to the box with a warning of “holy SH*T this one is awful!!”.  I just laughed and thanked her for the warning to not go to heavy.  When aren’t they at least a little awful?  Isn’t that a little bit the point?  But when I got to the box and another 6am’er blocked my path in and said “just turn around and get back in your car!  Dave hasn’t seen you yet, you still have a chance!”  I took it a bit more seriously.  End of the day, the extra warning could be the reason I think I over-scaled.  Like, don’t think my strict presses should have all been unbroken sets.  While I won’t at all say this was a piece of cake, I didn’t hate it.  And finished faster than I should have.  All good though.  Gave me some time post WOD to work on some handstand holds and kipping handstand push-ups.  <— like, I actually got 1 (maybe 2) reps where I got some air between my head and the abmat!  Haha!!  I’ll take it!  It’s all about progress, right?


burpees now

Mon. Oct. 27:

AMRAP 15 Minutes:
10- Toes to Bar
15- Burpees
40- Double-Unders

Result – 5 rounds

I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that Mondays just aren’t my best day of the week.  Last night, I read this WOD and got kind of excited 🙂  A chance for some toes to bar (love).  Some burpees (not love, but generally not hate) and a good chunk of double unders practice.  Then Monday happened.  Actually, I’ll be more specific… it was 6:00am so Monday can’t really take all the blame since such a minimal amount of it have even happened yet.  I’m going to change my statement to Monday WODs just aren’t my best – as a result of the Saturday and Sunday that lead up to them.  Party animal?  Nooooo.  Saturday at work was busy (in Cambridge too!) and felt even busier when a staff member had to leave for a family emergency.  Just myself and one sales person.  ALL day.  And I brought minimal food cause my fridge was almost empty.  Plus zero water.  Fail.  Then Sunday I crammed 3 days worth of stuff into 1 afternoon.  Again, minimal food and little water.  Could explain how crazy dizzy and brutally sluggish I was for the 6am metcon.  I’ll try to not make that mistake again.  Like, ever.


Fri. Oct. 24:

Part 1. Front Squats: 10-8-6-4-2
Part 2. 2 Rounds of:
200m Front Rack Kettlebell Carry (53/35)
50 AbMat Sit-ups

Result – Part 1 :   #85-95-115-125-130

Got into a group of 3 for the front squats today with 2 of my fav. WOD buddies 🙂  We discussed things and decided to start at #85 and baby step things up to et through all 30 squats.  During the 8’s, Coach Sharon caught on to our “safe” approach and charged over to our rack on a mission.  “You 3 are all the same!  You don’t know what it feels like to FAIL cause you choose your loading carefully enough to know you can succeed!  Not today!!”  she said.  As I was pulling a #5 off the bar to replace with a #10, “Add the #10.  AND the #5.”  Gulp!  But there’s no arguing Coach Sharon, although I never would anyway.  I trust her and Dave more than I trust myself.  While the jump from #95 to #115 was a big one, it was doable.  The next jump up to #125 was a bit of a shock and while I didn’t fail and drop the bar, I got too deep in my squat on rep 3 and panicked a little resulting in a 4th rep that was borderline not deep enough.  It was just the push we needed 🙂  Thanks Coach Sharon!


Thurs. Oct. 23:

“Death by Power Clean”
20 Minute Running Clock
On the 1st Minute – 1 Power Clean
On the 2nd Minute – 2 Power Cleans
On the 3rd Minute – 3 Power Cleans
Rx Weights – 135/95   #85
Continue as far as possible. If unable to complete a set, start over with 1 rep until total time is called.

The “death by ____” WODs are so deceiving.  1st minute = little effort + LOTS of rest.  By round 7 my effort was taking up pretty much the WHOLE minute :-p.  Made it to round 9 before starting over at 1.  Although I had hoped to at least make it to 10, I had also loaded my bar up with #75 until I turned around and saw my girl SP had #85.  Competitive?  Me?  Ya, guilty.  But it’s all good 🙂  We give each other that little extra push to be awesome.  #bebetter



Mon. Oct. 20:

Tonight I’m on my way to a Tues-Wed GM conference in Markham. It’s at a pretty cool facility where everything we could possibly need for the 2 days is all there. Hotel, amazing buffet style restaurant that actually has lots of options I can eat, conference halls, a bar/games room for evening “team-building” 😉 BUT… it also means no CFD Tues-Wed. Don’t you worry… it also gives me personal justification for the fact that I worked out Fri-Mon. 😉 Today was a dose of Fight Gone Bad. Yes, my crying WOD. No tears this time!! Also no PR 😦 Maybe tears=PR? haha!

“Fight Gone Bad”
3 rounds for Max Reps:
1:00 Wall Balls (20/14)   #10
1:00 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75/55)   #35
1:00 Box Jumps (20″)
1:00 Push Presses (75/55)   #45
1:00 Rowing for Calories
1:00 Rest

Result – 301

Ok, so I scaled this one.  But Sunday when we did one of Coach Dave’s “treats” post-WOD which included a pile of wallballs, I learned catching the ball had my ribs screaming at me.  So I went a bit lighter and just kept moving!


 Sun. Oct. 19:

0:00- 20:00 Minutes: Work up to a HEAVY Double Snatch   #65

20:00 Minutes- 22:00 Minutes: REST

22:00 Minutes- 32: 00 Minutes AMRAP in 10 Minutes, Teams of 2:

20- Snatches #115/#85   #35

20- Snatches #125/#95   #40

20- Snatches #135/#105 #45

20- Snatches #145/#115 #55

20- Snatches #155/#125 #65

MAX REPS- Snatches #175/#135 #65 x 3

Amazing what happens when you add the time element to a movement.  The first 20 minutes of working up to a HEAVY double snatch were pathetic.  My brain just wouldn’t connect to the movement.  It was ugly.  Then when we got to part 2 and the 3, 2, 1 GO!  Suddenly everything clicked.  Don’t get me wrong, they were super light, but suddenly I was able to move the bar quickly and properly.  I paired up with a newer athlete cause my ribs were still not 100% so I figured it was a good opportunity to go lighter and just focus on form and my plan worked out perfectly 🙂  Unfortunate we weren’t able to move through the first 5×20 of the AMRAP quicker to get more time for the MAX REPS round, but it’s all good 🙂  Next time.



Barbells for Boobs – round 2


Let’s back track a bit.  My first Barbells for Boobs was a year ago, and was just 3+ months into my cross fit journey. It was possibly my first experience of a total ass-kicking dished out in a sub-5 minute WOD. The “amazing” Grace. October 2013 I walked up to the #75 bar in the WOD area (after warming up with a game plan of doing #65, but decided “what the heck, the weights are already on the bar”). 10-12 reps in I remember wanting to slip into the shadows and disappear. It was a ROUGH 4:13.

My second Barbells for Boobs was a shining experience by comparison. 🙂  Went #75 again, but this time it was my choice to do so. I shaved 39 seconds off my time!  I won’t say all 30 reps felt awesome, but many did. First 10-12 were unbroken. Let go of the bar once to pull off my stupid headband that was slipping from the start and driving me nuts. Thanks lululemon. You owe me 2-3 seconds ;-).  At some point around rep 15 auto-pilot kicked in and I realized it was just me and the bar in my own little world.  I picked a more inconspicuous spot in the gym this time and finished early enough to avoid the cheering squad circle that supports and encourages the last of the finishers.  One thing that hasn’t changed from last year though…


I still make funny faces :p  Although I really don’t feel too bad about that.  I went to play event photographer yesterday as well as do my WOD.  I’m not the only one who makes funny faces, and mine certainly aren’t the worst!  Haha!


Here I thought it was just me and the bar all alone…  wrong 🙂  Coach Dave was there with every one of us making sure form was “top shelf”.  There are lots of people out there who slam crossfit for all the injuries they hear of.  Great coaching makes all the difference!!  #boxlove

By the way… no more NUTS.  I made the decision probably 10 days ago (ish) to break free from my nut addiction.  Not that nuts are bad, but my relationship with them was awful.  Anyways, move on.  Dirty secret revealed – cutting out nuts has probably shaved close to 1,000 calories from my daily intake.  Gross, right?  If you like wine or beer, don’t judge me.  You’re no better.  Actually, just don’t judge me.  I promise I’ll return the favor 😉

It’s not a WOD kate. Just a post. Stop overthinking and hit publish.


Bats, ghosts, buprees and barbells

Nightmare on Mill Street

Team competition


CF Division had 3 teams in this one 🙂  For me, it was my 2nd time ever competing in a team competition, and 1st time competing at a different box.  Crossfit Kitchener was our host and my team was made up of two guys and one other girl, all of whom were great fun to compete with. 🙂  Santos was our rockstar.  Many of the WODs MB and I decided that the best plan of attack what to get through the nitty gritty bits so Santos could flex his awesomeness with the hard stuff.  When I saw “hard stuff” I’m referring to the 2 min max reps rope climb, 2 min max reps 30″ box jumps, and of course…. the 100 pull-ups!!  Like seriously, 30/24 box jumps in the scaled division!!  Eeek!!  You should have seen the boxes too!  I almost held my breath every time Santos jumped in fear that he may crash right through the thing.  After popping out 3 ribs on Monday, I spent an hour of torture (massage) Tuesday and a visit to chiro Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to sort things out to be able to play along.  While my muscles were still a bit angry in general and downright opposed to some of the movements, my team was super supportive and we worked around the strengths of each athlete.  All in all, I really enjoyed the experience and was really happy with how we performed as a team.  Didn’t even come last 😉  I’ll be looking forward to the next opportunity to do something like this again, hopefully at a time where I can say I was in top form.



2 min at each station with 1 min b/t stations

max rep squats – 205/145

max rep – rope climbs

100 m row sprint 20.3

max rep – wall walks

HPC – 115/80

Box jumps @ 30/24

* Total of 17 min



100 thrusters 95/65

100 pull ups

Time – 9:53

* 12 min time cap, 3 min b/t heats



2k row 500 each

50 burpee box jumps 20/16 10 reps

50 KB snatch 55/35 X

200 singles (skipping) all 200

21 c&j @ 155/105 (can be done with 2 people) maybe 5 reps? with MB. awkward!

100 sit ups 60 reps

1 k sled pull 2×45/1×45

Time – not entirely sure :s 25ish minutes possibly?


Event 1, I was only able to step up to the plate for the row sprint.  Originally the plan was for me to do the rope climb too, but jumping from the rope was near fatal.  Event 2, thrusters were not something my ribs were a fan of either, but I needed to get at least 1 in before I could jump on the rig. I didn’t pound out monster strings of pull-ups, but I did better than I thought I would! Woot Woot!  🙂 Event 3, Only movement that held me back was the KB snatch. So I made up for it by getting through all 200 single unders (is that even a thing?) and a large chunk of the sit-ups. Oh!! And a handful of two person clean and jerks. AWKWARD!!  But thankfully MB and I are nearly the same height :p lol  All in all, super fun day and so glad I was able to participate 🙂

one for ALL

take a chance

So, I spent the early part of this week at a managers conference in Toronto.  Much to my dismay, this meant 2 days away from CFD.  Bummer.  Tuesday’s WOD sounded like a good one and I even considered attempting it in the hotel gym, but was pretty sure that overhead squats with a Smith Machine just weren’t the smartest idea.  So 5km run filled the void.  Anyways, my lack of lifting for 2 days is not where I intended to go with this.  Wednesday I had a “thank you crossfit!!” moment when I was faced with a situation that was out of my comfort zone.  A few minutes of courage in the face of fears were required, and the likely hood of taking such a risk even a year ago would have been pretty slim.  I’ll keep my summary brief as not to bore the pants off ya.  The president of the company I work for asked a question to the 32 managers in the room.  A question as to why none of us had been supporting a practice.  The room went silent.  I stood up and quite plainly stated that it was a practice that essentially took money right out of our pockets.  I was terrified, but it had to be said!  The only way we were ever going to find common ground and move forward was to face these things head-on.  Right away, Mr. Pres. went down the road I had feared “BUT at the end of the day, doesn’t what is best for the company as a whole matter the most?”  Gulp.  Oh shit.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m the type of person who gives 110% at everything I do.  The betterment of the company is high priority for me every day, but at the end of the day I still have bills to pay.  Can’t argue that.  The disappointing part was that by show of hands, only about 50% of my fellow managers will willing to show their support.  Grow some balls people.  Anyways, the ripple effect set in and the open conversation that followed was exactly what I had been hoping for.  In the end, there was a resolution that was of mutual benefit 🙂  Suddenly there was 100% support from the group when there was no longer a questionable outcome.  And the following day I arrived to my store to find my inbox filled with “thank you!” emails from Mr. Pres, VP of sales, both DMs, and a few of my fellow managers.  You know what?  Thank you crossfit!!  For teaching me to take chances and helping me find a confidence I kept buried behind self-doubt for so many year 😀

on the fence

Over-eposed?  What can I say… This is me.


Over the next few days I will, in a sense, have all the time in the world to draft up some crazy sh*t completely free of WOD details.  Tuesday I got in to see Zaps (box vet/massage) in hopes that he could help me with the sore back thing.  He tortured me appropriately, as he always does, and suggested I make a chiro appointment cause he felt I had a rib out.  Taking care of injury is not usually something I’m very good at, but in consideration of the competition this Saturday, I took his advise and got in yesterday.  A possible rib out turned out to be 3!  Great.  When I do something, it’s never half-assed.  Injury is no different apparently.  Chiro put me back together, but strongly suggested I take the rest of the week off.  😦  Yup… that means no Nightmare of Mill Street this weekend for me possibly.  Total bummer.  But I’m old enough to know that giving in to Zaps’ offer to just tape me up like crazy and compete anyway is not the smartest option.  Been there, done that.  Still paying for some poor judgement calls I’ve made in the past.  Sigh.

Know what else “take the week off” means?  Other than the fact that my mind could quite literally implode without the box?  No first ball hockey game last night.  Double sigh.  That also ties in to my “on the fence” title of this post though.  I’m trying my best to chose the “just be happy with being strong as fawk and forget the rest” side, but I’m struggling to get over the changing seasons and having to wear pants again.  :p  Especially talking jeans.  Even the stretchy variety remind me I have a BUTT now.  And quads.  Large quads.  Strong… but still.

Made a decision yesterday that it was time to get the monkey off my back.  Broke the news to my mother that I intend on taking a year off from vacationing in Dominican this coming February.  “I just bought my place.  I want to get a year of home ownership under my belt before I spend that kind of money on a trip.” I told her.  Do you really believe that there wasn’t an ulterior motive there as well?  No?  Good.  You’re catching on.  Do I want to lean on this excuse as a way around the judgement and pressure that bikini wearing brings?  Especially with my mother around?  Bingo.  Maybe I should just go by myself and find comfort in the fact that I don’t know anyone else on the beach.  Or find some crossfit friends to rope in to going.  Just not the skinny ones.  That would be counter-productive.

The WORST thing I ever did for/to myself was get down to a size 2.  Sure, I was tiny.  Sure, I actually for once in my life enjoyed shopping for pants/shorts/bikinis.  Wearing them too!  Like, in public.  Sure, I actually received lots of praise and support from her Royal Highness (my mother).  But was I happier even then?  Nope.  Skinny doesn’t miraculously make a person happy.  Was I healthier?  Nope.  I obsessed over controlling my diet to such an extreme that my relationship suffered.  I put unintentional and unnecessary pressure on the one person I loved more than anyone, all for the sake of getting smaller.  It was selfish, but life has thrown me so many things that are out of my control that I fell for the belief that diet was the one thing I could.  Sure I was eating good food, but still my MS symptoms were rough.  Guess what?  That put even more strain on all aspects of life.  It was not a period of my life that I look back on and wish I could revisit, yet my mind still hangs on the fact that: I was a size 2.

Yes, I’m still rambling about the same old shit.  Maybe one day I’ll actually get over it.  A friend made a comment the other day that I look great.  Fit and healthy.  Maybe one day I’ll see it……


Bump in the road


I’m going to change things up a bit in terms of the format of my posts.  I get that my WOD summaries are really not all that interesting for anyone.  Could consider it one of those “ya had to be there” kinda things.  So… my random chaotic content will now be mostly extracted from the “data” and spewed out before I get into the nitty-gritty.

Hey Coach Dave… How many birthday cakes did ya get bro?  Haha!  This weekend kicked off with our CFD Thanksgiving get together, complete with a post-birthday cake for the one and only Coach Dave.  Last Wednesday a bunch of peeps got together for a birthday dinner and Russell Peters show.  Then it seemed like every time I logged into the old facebook over the weekend, there were new pictures of Dave and yet another cake!  Haha!  Maybe that’s just the benefit of your birthday falling around a holiday like Thanksgiving?  Mine just falls on father’s day from time to time.  I always considered that a bit of a rip-off rather than a benefit :p  Ok, now I’m just being a total punk.  My back hurts.  Cut me some slack.

Back to the weekend.  I place all the blame on the pumpkin pie.  Well, truth of the matter is I should place the blame on my lack of will power to resist the pumpkin pie.  But it was the 3rd day in a row that I’d had to see/smell its wonderful goodness.  It was just a little piece.  And I didn’t eat the crust.  Still… FAIL.  It didn’t even taste as amazing as I had psyched myself up for.  But the biggest fail was the next day when all I wanted to do was sleep.  *** amendment note required – My aunt put wheat berries on the salad!  I picked around most of them, but tired of that process quickly.  Today, I googled.  Wheat berries CONTAIN GLUTEN.  Ok pie, you likely weren’t deserving of all of the blame.  Yesterday was ridiculous though.  I was in bed probably around 8:30.  Justified it to myself cause I knew today came with a 4:15am alarm.

We had a perfect weekend for Thanksgiving 🙂  hope my fellow Canadians enjoyed it!  Yesterday was my only day off and although it wasn’t a sunny one, it was perfect weather for a little run.


WTF?!  My back is messed up again.  Disclaimer – this injury has zero to do with crossfit.  Not the first time my back has been screwy this year, but that wasn’t crossfit related either.  I’m not making the claim that you can’t get hurt crossfitting, but I AM making the claim that my coaches are very careful to make sure everyone who picks up a bar, grabs on to the pull-up rig, touches a wallball, etc, has all the tools needed to perform safely and avoiding injury.  Nope, I didn’t hurt myself digging for a new deadlift or squat PR.  I hurt my back chilling in my pjs last night, watching tv and rolling on my foam roller.  Brilliant.  Woke up this morning with random knee-buckling-hard-to-breathe spasms every time I’d flex my spine.  I CAN’T be broken right now!!  This Saturday is our “Nightmare on Mill Street” team competition in Kitchener!  So of course, I got in the car and headed to the 6am WOD.  Not to DO the WOD, but to spend some time working to get things moving again.  Any sort of impact hurts (running, jumping, dropping off the bar) but otherwise the situation improved as I kept moving.  Read Coach Dave’s mind and scaled the WOD appropriately.  Then sent a message to the box vet with a big “pleeeeeeeease… will you see me today!”

Tues. Oct. 14:

AMRAP 12 Minutes:
50- Burpees over the Bar    push-ups
30- Power Snatches (#135/#95)    #10? training bar
10- Muscle-Ups/ Chest- Bar Pullups   MU transitions

Score – 1 round + 50 push-ups + 13 snatch

Oddly enough, despite all the back bull sh*t, I felt like I was moving pretty well today.  As the catch for the snatch (hehe) started to get uncomfortable, I switched pretty seamlessly into squat snatches.  Granted, I wasn’t moving any weight…

Sun. Oct. 12:

Front Squats:

3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3

# 105 – 105 – 110 – 115 – 120 – 120 – 125

Pretty sure that #125 is a new 3RM.  Actually, pretty sure I’ve never done more than #105 for multiple reps but I could be off my rocker.  Still… although #105 felt heavy right from the start today, I had a kick-ass partner that I just sort of followed along with as she added weight each round.  Thanks Colt 🙂  #yousostronggirl

Fri. Oct 10:

Orange is the new black? Well, 6am is the new 7:30. In my little world anyways. Only way to make crossift and Cambridge co-exist. Not that I mind really, but Friday coffee WOD is at 7:30 😦 Today it just wasn’t meant to be. Don’t worry, I got slightly heckled for this but my reason behind missing it had to do with the friday night CFD Thanksgiving, so only mild disapproval from Coach Sharon.

Part 1. 5 rounds, resting 90s between: 300 Meter Row/Sally 50 Meter Prowler Push (#90/#45) 300m row + #45-#45-#90-#45-#90

Part 2. Close Grip Bench/Floor Press: 10-10-10-10-10 #75-#85-#85-#85-#90

Part 3. Tabata – Bench press (#95/#65) Rx – min. 6 reps/round

Part 4. Banded Tricep Pushdowns: Accumulate 100 Reps (Arms are going to get BLOWN UP)

Thurs. Oct. 9:

So, I may have a new friend. Not a best friend though… Her name is Kelly and she’s a bitch, but I respect her for that.

5 rounds:

400 Meter Run
30- Box Jumps (24/20)
30- Wallballs (20/14)

Time – 28:17 Rx

AND… I didn’t even cry during the wallballs! I thought that was just sort of my “thing” when ya threw wallballs into a metcon. Maybe it’s just a Fight Gone Bad thing? Yup, last year at the Toys For Tots fundraiser, I cried through the wallballs. I’m not ashamed.

Just let it go

Today I was reminded of something I’ve known all along:

No one will ever be as critical of you, as you are of yourself.   Coach Sharon

I’ve fallen into somewhat of a blogging silence over the last little while cause there are thoughts bouncing around in my mind that I don’t want to share.  Why?  Cause I don’t want to create that impression of myself.  I also don’t want to admit to myself that I’m really not all that tough, but we all have a soft side I guess.  I considered starting a new blog and only sharing it with the readers I only know through wordpress.  There’s a sense of comfort knowing that you can completely write with open honesty cause you will never have to face those who read your rants in public.  I’ve made the decision to push my reservations aside for the time being in the hopes that sharing my story might benefit someone else who is fighting the same battles.  Still might happen at some point, but for now… this is me.


Where did this all start?  Not entirely sure, but I’m pretty confident some of it has to do with my decision to rejoin a ball hockey league I gave up when I moved to Waterloo.  It’s a great group of friends who I’ve missed like crazy, but haven’t seen in almost 2 years.  A lot has changed in 2 years.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s been probably one of the best periods of my life so far in terms of personal growth.  I’ve found the best community/family of people at Crossfit Division.  I’ve learned I am physically capable of a whole crap load more than I ever would have imagined previously.  My mind is in a great place.  Work is good, health is better than ever, and I’ve found a place where I finally feel like I really belong just for being ME.  Maybe it’s a realization that I’m putting myself back into the world where I only really belonged in someone else’s shadow that’s unnerving.  But maybe it’s time for me to show that I can be a part of that world all on my own…

So what’s the problem?  In conversation with Coach Sharon, I made a confession that got me in trouble :p  “I haven’t seen these girls for almost 2 years.  I was 25lbs lighter back then…”  😮  No surprise the reaction I got to that comment.  “PLEASE tell me you don’t own a scale!  Get rid of it right away.”  I know that the number on the scale means nothing.  I know that muscle weighs more than fat.  I know that I’m 1000x stronger than I was at 115lbs.  But I also know how it feels to not fit into my old clothes.  I know how it felt when I was maybe 12 and a comment was made about how big my thighs were.  Or in high school when my mom would say “I’d ask to borrow your clothes, but they’d be too big.”  I’m not 14 anymore, but although I know that 99% of my problems are all in my head, this is a battle I’ve been fighting for a looooong time.  Old habits die hard.


in summary

Desperately in need of a WOD recap:

Sun. Oct. 5:

In teams of 2, for time:

100 Deadlifts  #135

80 Front Squats   #75

60 Power Cleans    #65

***every minute, on the minute – both partners complete 5 burpees

result – 20:37

When I was messing around practicing double unders before the WOD, I realized Coach Will had the reins today.  Yup, immenent death.  Reading the 3 lifting portions, it didn’t seem like a typical Will-WOD… but then I processed the burpees part.  Oh fawk.  :s  I honestly thought this might take hours.  But I had a kick-ass partner and we killed this b*tch 🙂


Fri. Oct. 3:

7 x 2:00 rounds, resting 1:00 between:
200 Meter Run
7- Deadlifts #315/#205   #135
Max Double Unders/Handstand Pushups

Score – 22 double unders

Round 5 was my best 🙂 with 4 double unders.  This came after the train wreck that was round 4 – 1 DU + lots of whip lashings.  Fail.


Thurs. Oct. 2:

Part 1. Push Press: 7-7-7-7-7   #75
Part 2. Overhead Static Hold Accumulate 2:00 total – #96/#65   #55
Part 3. On the 2:00 x 7 Minutes
Guys – 15 Pushups + Row 20 Calories
Girls – 10 Pushups + Row 15 Calories

Just cause it’s crossfit and I’ve learned to expect the unexpected when Coach Dave is  involved, I wasn’t overly surprised to get to do this WOD in reverse order.  Actually, pretty glad we did!  Fresh arms made the OTM part almost enjoyable.  Especially when Smarti decided it was a bit of a race between her and I to complete each row first.  Nice try girl 😉  When it’s a rowing sprint, I got this!  Double the calorie goal and I would have probably faded soon after I reached 15 :-p

Then came the overhead static hold, to which my left shoulder was not all that willing to cooperate.  “Lock it UP McDowell!!”  Coach Dave shouted my way after about 40 seconds.  I was as locked as I was going to get even though my left arm was still bent.  Stupid old injuries.


Tues. Sept. 30:

warm up – Burpee dodgeball*

Strength – work on: 1 hang snatch+1 OH squat+1 hang squat snatch  #55

3 Rounds:
400m Run  Row
21- Pull-Ups   Ring pulls
12- Hang Squat Snatches #95/#65   #55

Time – loooooong!  16:something

*Burpee dodgeball.  aka if you get hit with the ball OR the person you are trying to hit catches it, you do a burpee.  Nowhere in the rules was there any mention of getting hit in the face with a ball.  But it happened.  I was eyeing up my target and about to lauch the ball when I got Maynard’s toss right in the eye.  :p  Or should I say 😉


Mon. Sept. 29:

Abmat Sit-ups

time – 11:13

Ever heard of a +10 minute Annie time??  Totally not even valid cause I’m quite positive I didn’t get 20 double unders, let alone 150.  One thing I did get was the 150 sit-ups.  Trust me.  My abs felt that part.  I got something else too!  Well, sort of… in the warm-up we spent 7 minutes working on handstand stuff and I got about an inch off the mat for a strict handstand push-up, and maybe 2-3 for a kipping one :p  Gotta start somewhere, right?  At least I can get upside-down with no issues now!

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Your life can transform before your eyes when you fuel with the right foods, move your body and power up your mind! Are you ready to take your life to the next level?

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“And suddenly you’s time to start something new and trust the magic of new beginnings” ---Meister Eckhart

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