one day it'll all make sense.

Posts tagged ‘rope climb’

why can’t we have both?

I got to work this morning in my summertime “uniform” of shorts and flip flops.  Added a t-shirt instead of a tank top since it IS September now and all, but looked around at all the people walking around in pants and long sleeves.  A little much people!  It was a cooler morning than the utter sweatfest we endured in July and August, but still!  I like the slightly cooler weather (especially for WODing!!) but I’m not at all ready to tuck away my flip flops for the season!  I’ve already warned Amanda I plan to wear them till it snows.whiteHero Friday was a tough one this week!!  Back up a moment… I was pretty smitten with myself for completing the whole workout on Thursday without scaling the pull-ups even though my paws were pretty angry.  Then when I read Friday’s WOD I realized I wasn’t entirely smart.  15 rope climbs and 50 toes to bar were tough with sore hands and lats, but I was stubborn (as usual) and went Rx anyways.  Slowest Rx time recorded for the day! High-5!  LOL!  You can’t win ’em all.  My last round of toes to bar were a broken rep scheme 3-2-2…2(shit!)..1…1…1(arg!)…1 but at least I finished it 🙂  I’m a bit tired and more than a bit sore, but happy with the accomplishment.

Fri. Sept. 2:


5 Rounds, for time:
3 Rope Climbs
10 Toes to Bar
21 Overhead Walking Lunges #45/#25
400m Run
Time – 34:10 Rx


Well, shit.

Thurs. Sept. 1

For Time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1:
Box Jump 24/20
Kettlebell Swing 2/1.5  16kg

Time – ummm…. wish I could remember!


Kanji was back this week 🙂  I’m trying not to totally love this little guy, but it’s pretty hard since he’s so awesome.  So nice to have a reason to get back outside for long walks along the trails where I spent so much of last summer…  and another reason to look forward to fall when the bugs will go back to hell where they belong.  tank eat

True story.  Actually it’s the thought process that often gets me through the toughest of WODs.  “Just make it through and breakfast will follow!”  I don’t really want to talk about food today.  I’m tired of looking at myself in the mirror and thinking “WTF?!” and I’d rather be at Ribfest with my girl than sitting at my desk munching on lettuce.


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“And suddenly you’s time to start something new and trust the magic of new beginnings” ---Meister Eckhart

Kind Keto Mama

Raising my ketones and raising my kids!