one day it'll all make sense.

Posts tagged ‘Murph’

I’ll stand, thank you

First – broccoli from the toaster oven is really good!  Second – lunges are BUTT assassins.  That’s all.

Fri. July 15:

Partner Murph @ Crossfit Connection
for time:
1 mile run (together)

100 pull-ups

200 push-ups

300 air squats
1 mile run row (together)
Time – 38:56

FIRST real WOD together with my girl at Crossfit Connection 🙂  Also Amanda’s first real WOD at her box post-beginner program!  And there’s Murph on the menu!  Could be followed by first real experience of “holy crap stuff hurts!!!” lol!!  Anyways, it was great!  I haven’t done Murph in more than a year and for the first time I actually did big kid pull-ups and destroyed all of the push-ups.  We did everything in groups of 5 reps and managed to keep moving pretty much the whole way through 😀  Good times!  Post WOD – SO HUNGRY 😐

Thurs. July 14:

AMRAP in 33:00 Minutes:

100m Sled Pulls/Prowler Pushes #205/#135/”HAM” Farmers Carry 
Use similar load that was used last week-Switch up what you use after each round

“use a similar load” went directly out the window when it was pouring rain all morning and the WOD was moved indoors.  CFD is fully lined with rubber mats that make pulling the sled something equivalent to riding a bicycle along a sandy beach.  10x the effort yields 1/2 the result.  Prowler was out of the picture completely but it became a game of find a way to move something heavy from one end of the box to the other, and back.  This crazy bird thought a shit ton of lunges carrying awkward stuff sounded like a great idea.  Today my BUTT pretty much hates me.  Good little sweatfest though!!

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Your life can transform before your eyes when you fuel with the right foods, move your body and power up your mind! Are you ready to take your life to the next level?

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Keto Girl

Embarking on a new lifestyle one macro at a time

The lazy keto guy

Lazy keto life

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Adventures, Explorations & Ponderings of JaseyBaz

Steven Chasing Goals

MAF Running, Resistance Band Training, and Generally Low Carb Diets

Keto with Katelyn

Hello 2019, Goodbye Carbs!

My Big Fat Keto Life

Adventures in low carb living!

Fit Girl in Progress

Trying to lose weight and get healthy so I can live my life to the fullest

Penny Planner

Planning to save any penny we can


An authentic community providing all the necessary ingredients to make living a low carb lifestyle easier and tastier.

Simplifying The Keto Journey: Keto Recipes, Meal Plans, & Keto Mom Hacks

Coffee, Keto, & Curse Words

Just a mom trying to survive daily chaos. Follow my health and fitness journey, keto style.

Keto Kelly

Living my best life - sans carbs and sugar.

The Bright Side - Keto and Healthy Living

“And suddenly you’s time to start something new and trust the magic of new beginnings” ---Meister Eckhart

Kind Keto Mama

Raising my ketones and raising my kids!