one day it'll all make sense.

Posts tagged ‘double under’

Will WOD for bacon

Some days I’m pretty smart, but then some days not so much.  Yesterday was a not so much kind of day I think.  Rx didn’t sound that heavy, but I failed to consider the volume of reps. And the fact that I still couldn’t attatch those glorious two letters beside my time cause I still can’t do double unders. 😐  Plus it was my second WOD for the day…

Tues. Oct. 11:

7:30am CFD

Teams of 2, for time:
75 – 50 – 35
Airdyne- Calories
Rowing- Calories
Bench Press #135/#95  #75

Ok, interpreted this completely wrong.  Thought it was 75 airdyne cal, 50 row cal, 35 bench.  NOPE!  75 of each, then 50 of each, then 35 of each.  Silly me!  :p  Anyways, it was bad but not that bad.  Kept the row above 1500 cal/hr and fought through 94 bench press without lowering the weight.  My chest is angry today but all good 🙂

7:00pm CFC

BUY IN – OTM, 12 Minutes
Even minutes: 3 strict press  #75/80/85
Odd minutes: 3 strict pull-ups

 50 Double Single Unders
45 Air Squats
40 KB Swings 24/16kg
35 Wallballs  20/14lbs
30 Sit-ups
25 Push-ups
 20 Deadlifts  165/105lbs
15 Power Cleans  165/105lbs
10 Front Squats  165/105lbs
5 Jerks  165/105lbs
Time – 13:40 almost Rx

The CLEANS were KILLER!!! 😮  1… rep… at… a… time!  Ugly reps too, but somehow I came out the other side 🙂  Then had to drop the bar a few times during the front squats and jerks and wanted to cry cause that just meant I had to clean the damn thing again, but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger right??  Thankfully I’m not Mario 😉


Fri. Oct. 6:


4 Rounds, for time:
8 Deadlifts 250/175
16 Burpees
3 Rope Climbs
600m Run
Time – 27:53 Rx

Another Hero Friday in the books 🙂  Actually read this one and thought “meh…” but it was gooood! Such a mental grind to keep going, especially for the runs. Is it lame to consider a 600m run long? Well… it felt that way!  The “rest” came in the form of burpees….img_3287

just for the record

Ok, my CF logs are pretty behind… I keep forgetting to bring my iPad with me to Btown and phone blogging sucks :p  Totally unrelated but have-to-share kind of thought… Love the way my jeans fit 😀  I was pretty scared to even put them on after their summer living in the closet but pleasantly surprised!  That’s a first! lol

Wed. Sept. 28:   CFD

OTM for 20:00 Minutes
Odd Minutes: 5- Deadlifts #315/#225 #185 + 5 Box Jumps
Even Minutes: 15/10 Calories on the AirDyne

This one was rough.  Hardest part quite possibly was collecting myself to complete the box jumps without catastrophic result.  Oh!  and 185 got HEAVY!

Tues. Sept. 27:  CFD

Make 3 attempts at each of the following:
Max Reps: Pistol Squats on your left leg.  6-8-10 🙂
Max Reps: Pistol Squats on your right leg.  7-8-10 🙂
Max Reps: Left-arm dumbbell snatches (touch-and-go). 10(all) #25
Max Reps: Right-arm dumbbell snatches strict press (touch-and-go).   10(all)  #25
Max Reps: Strict toes-to-bars. scaled version laying on floor holding the pull-up rig and touching toes above hands x20
For the squats, a set ends when your opposite foot touches the ground or you rest excessively at the top. For the snatch, use the heaviest dumbbell that you can find and still get at least 3 reps.

Well, I read this one and knew I’d be scaling all put the pistols cause I’m still trying to let my shoulder heal.  But pistols? Yes please!!  My butt still hurts (2 days later).  😀

Mon. Sept. 26: CFC

BUY IN – Thrusters
Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes:
3 Thrusters – 65 / 85 / 95 / 100 / 105
start at 60% 1RM and build to HEAVY triple

50 Wallballs (just once)
6 min AMRAP
12 Thrusters 95/65
12 Bar Facing Burpees


30 Wallballs (just once)
6 min AMRAP
6 Thrusters 135/85
6 Bar Facing Burpees

Result – 1+21 / 3+11  Rx

Fri. Sept. 23: CFC

“Lumberjack 20”
20 Deadlifts 165lbs
400m Run
20 KBS  35lbs
400m Run
20 Overhead Squats 75lbs (7@75, 13@55)
400m Run
20 Burpees
400m run
20 Chest to Bar Pull-ups (jumping)
400m Run
20 Box Jumps
400m Run
20 Squat Cleans 55lbs
400m Run

Time – Don’t remember?  But by the 2nd last run I was dying.  26 something I think…  Scaled like crazy for this silly shoulder thing so I was less likely to be impressed with my result from the start.

Wed. Sept. 21:  CFD

OTM for 20:00 Minutes
3 Burpees+ 4 Box Jumps 20″ + 5 Wallballs  #14
Yes all in the same minute🙂
Try to aim to get all 12 reps within 50 seconds of each minute

LOVED this one 🙂  flipped my box up to the 24″ height for the 2nd half cause things were going really well.  And jumped them ALL.

Mon. Sept. 19:  CFC

BUY IN – OTM, 10 minutes:
 Odd Minutes – 3 Deadlifts @80-85% 1RM   #205
Even Minutes – 4 High Box Jumps   24″

10 Rounds, for time

30 Double Unders (60 singles)
10 Wallballs
**Every 5 minutes sprint 200m
Time – 12:32

CASH OUT – Plank Holds
1 Minute R Side Plank
1 Minute Plank

 1 Minute L Side Plank

Deadlifts and box jumps?!?!  Is it my birthday??  Needless to say, the buy in was awesome.  As predicted, the WOD was a rough one!  Although I honestly thought it would take longer but regardless it was tough.  Another case in favor of learning double unders cause 600 singles… yeah :p

regroup. carry on.

legs-hangoverToday Amanda and I did Annie and Fran before breakfast!  Not the typical “Hero Friday” but technically it’s considered benchmark Fridays that has just happened to be all Heroes up until this point.  Since first reading the posted WODs early this morning, “Annie are you ok?” keeps playing on repeat in my mind…  After 8+ minutes of abuse, I really could care less if Annie is ok or not.  I forgot how much I hate abmat sit-ups!  Fran, however, was great!!  After more than 3 years of crossfitting I actually have a legit Fran time 🙂

Fri. Sept. 16:

Benchmark Friday @ CFC

Double Unders (reps x2 Singles)

Time – 8:50

Thruster  #65/#95
Time – 8:37 Rx!!

I know I need to put some serious effort into learning the whole Double Unders thing.  I know it, but I never seem to find time to do it!  There are always so many things I need to work on and I guess other things just take priority over whipping myself brutally.

Thurs. Sept. 15:

Benchmark Friday @ CFC

Buy In – Bench Press + Pendley Row
 Every 2:30 minutes for 10 minutes:
5 Bench Press  #95
10 Pendley Row  #55

15 Ground to Overhead #55
400m Run
12 Ground to Overhead  #75
300m Run
9 Ground to Overhead  #95
200m Run
6 Ground to Overhead  #105
100m Run
Time – 15:40 Rx

Buy in was ok today.  The weight felt good for the bench and super-light for the rows, but we were working in partners and didn’t really have time to add to both.  The WOD was great even though I was all over the place!  There were enough people in the 7pm class that we ran out of 10lb plates!  My game plan was all neatly formulated in my head to snatch the first two rounds and switch to clean and jerk for the rest.  Also planned to start with a 10 per side, switch to a 15 and a 5 for the second group, add the tens back for the third, and replace the 10 with another 15 for the fourth.  Lots of switching, but made perfect sense!  Until the workout started and I lost my game plan somewhere during the first run.  Came back and loaded the bar uneven… regrouped and completed the round as planned.  Except for the snatch part!  I was flustered and just started cleaning.  All good… Then round 4 I over loaded the bar!  Failed my first 2 attempts before realizing it was #115 not #105!  Regrouped again and finished the WOD.  Dead… last.  LOL!  But at least I finished it 🙂

between the lines

It’s taken me a while to piece it all together, but I’ve finally figured out a bit of the struggle I have with my mother.  There are times we have a great relationship, but others where I don’t really want to involve her in my life at all cause of the stress she causes.  While I know she considers her intentions to be only the best and sees things as someone else is generally to blame, I’m kinda over her shit.  The thing is, we’re good friends… but only when I’m single.  As soon as there’s someone else in my life things blow up.  Why should I have to deal with the torment just for being happy?  I googled it… this it a “thing”!  Single parents (especially) who rely on their children heavily to provide their happy existence.  It’s sad, I get that.  I wish my mom could find someone to love, but the incredible high expectations she has for me in that regard would be tough for anyone to handle.  She asked recently “do I ask too much of you??”  The answer is no, but yes at the same time.  In a literal sense no, but in the context that carries the expectations she would never put to words… yes!  We are responsible for our own happiness, right?  Anyways, not fun.  The rock and hard place comes in knowing I can just suck it up and deal with it, or try to talk to her about it and deal with the consequences of that.  Odds aren’t in my favour when either way.  Bright side – I AM happy 🙂  Had an action-packed weekend as per usual these days.  Got to jam with my girl again yesterday morning after hitting up open gym together at CFD.  Amanda drank the koolaid!!  😀  Super exciting!  Also checked out the Sound of Music Festival in Burlington Saturday night with our Hamilton ball hockey girls.  Good times! 

Sun. June 19:

Partner WOD – For Time:
25 synchronized burpees
500m row
400m run
50 combined KBS

–rest 1 minute

400m run
500m row
50 combined wallballs

–rest 1 minute

 500m row
400m run
50 combined box jumps

400m run
500m row
50 combined lunges
25 synchronized burpees

Time – 40:04

Mon. June 20:

Part 1. Back Squats: 2-2-2  #155
Part 2. 4 Rounds:
400 Meter Run
4- Muscle Ups
40- Double Unders

Part 2 was rough.  It’s 4,000 degrees outside and even hotter in the box.  Rowed the last 2 rounds cause I was tired and not feeling it this morning.  Happy with the squats though 🙂

MS Side note – I’m considering Aubagio.  It’s another guinea pig situation in terms of a new form of treatment for MS.  Not needles though, and the other option was back on Capaxone.  I’ve been drug-free for 6 months, but I’m still concerned as to what kind of damage I could be causing that I just don’t see evidence of right now.

Nutrition side note – I’m sooooo over chicken and broccoli right now.  Probably more so broccoli, but I need to come up with a different idea for lunches.  It also has to be easy ish cause I’m rarely home by myself to cook anymore.  Good thing I got a bigger crockpot for my birthday!!

feels like a dream


Yesterday was my birthday and I’m still waiting to wake up and realize it was all just a dream 🙂  Such an amazing day!  Got to wake up beside my beautiful girl, had to work but that’s typical, then walked out to my car after to find my wonderful girlfriend standing by my car holding a rose!  I had been expecting to jump in my car to head to Burlington to hang out there!  What an awesome surprise 🙂  reservations for dinner at the Keg complete with a birthday “cake” made of watermelon and berries followed by a little jam session with my rockstar.  I’ve wanted to play together for quite a while, so when Amanda mentioned that she brought along her guitar so we could play I was pretty excited!  Cept it wasn’t her guitar.  I now have my very own!!!  Once the level of completely shocked settled down enough for my brain to actually function, we played together for a while and I actually kept up!  Such an amazing feeling 🙂  So does my dream comment make perfect sense?  Best birthday most probably ever… still can’t stop smiling 😀


fill in the gaps

Ok, it’s been a while. Well, not that long I guess although all day I’ve been convinced today is Friday. Still adjusting to Sport Chek being a Tuesday gig maybe, or could be the mental fog daylight savings always seems to cause. Monday I wanted to kill my phone at 4:30am… Then yesterday I woke up with a sore throat.  The morning was ok, killed the morning WOD (except the double unders, but I’ll get back to that), got in an 8k run before work that felt easy and comfortable, but by probably 3pm I felt like a truck ran me over.  WTF?! Bad timing!! In bed early and felt much better this morning… Except for my voice!  “You sound like a DUDE!” Said DK.  Thanks! Lol. Left work early and haven’t left my couch since, except to warm up some soup I stashed in the freezer the last time I made crockpot chicken soup. Good call on my part 😉


I might need to backtrack a whole bunch here and fill in some gaps.  Otherwise my randomness could make even less sense than usual.  Around the middle of January I came to the point where I was just DONE with Tecfidera (MS drugs).  The reaction I had to it every day for the past year and a half finally pushed me beyond my breaking point.  So I stopped taking it.  Since then, every day I’ve been thankful that everything seems to be great.  For a long time I’ve wanted to know if the healthy lifestyle I live could possibly be enough that I don’t need the drugs anymore and there’s really only one way to find out.  Near the end of my life with a dose of the Tecfidera twice daily, I’d wake up every day feeling good, take the morning dose and feel ill for the next 8-10 hours, start feeling good again just in time to take the second dose and feel sick until bed time.  Friends used to tease me for going to bed before 10, but if you felt like you had the flu every day you might too! I couldn’t take it anymore.  I’m sure my neurologist will beat me up about it at my next appointment, but it’s the life I have to live.  Anyways, after almost 2 months drug-free I woke up Sunday with limited feeling in my hands.  I mean they still work, I just can’t feel when I’m touching or holding something.  I’ve dropped my phone so many times Otterbox deserves my gratitude for the fact it still works.  Monday morning I also added minimal feeling in my legs from the knees down.  See where I’m going with this yet? Tuesday’s WOD had double unders in it and Coach Dave suggested spending 90 seconds practicing DU for those who didn’t have them (aka ME).  Generally I would, but Tuesday I couldn’t manage more than 2-3 single skips without tripping and that’s usually my jam.  Ah well, you can’t win ’em all.  Thankfully there’s so much more to crossfit than double unders.  And we’ve already seen skipping in the Open. And I can still run 🙂


how I roll

Oh God it’s been a whole work week already since I started this post.  Life is good generally speaking, just spins along in circles around me sometimes and it’s tough to keep up.  The sliding scale from light to dark of all the things in my world has been heavily weighted on the light end.  My chick is great.  I’m soaking in all the Yuko I can in the  home stretch of our time together.  Crossfit I still totally love.  Learning to play guitar and digging it.  I’ve pretty much accepted that I’m not really interested in the Whole Life Challenge this time around, but I’m just eating well and drinking lots of water and letting the rest all just pretty much happen.

Last weekend was a great one 🙂 felt like spring is on its way, which is always nice to see.  Used a Whole Life Challenge indulgence on Sunday in the form of bacon at breakfast. I have no regrets. I made a great dinner for Amanda and I on Saturday though with lemon, dill and garlic brushed salmon, asparagus and sweet potato.  It was so good!  Also shamelessly hooked on baked chicken breast with a little grainy mustard and a heap of broccoli and asparagus.

This is how I roll.  Food is pretty routine most days, at least when it comes to packing my lunch bag in the morning before heading to the box.


eggs and sweet potato


chicken and veg

Need a WOD recap perhaps.  This week has been challenging most days, some with good results and some leaving me asking myself “are you new?!?!?”

Mon. Feb. 1:

Teams of 3 complete the following for time:
200- Front Squats #135/#95  #75
200- Kipping Handstand Pushups
200- Box Jump Overs
200- Pullups  ring pulls

LOVED this!!  I mean, 800 reps in a team of 3 – what’s NOT to love??  :p  Probably so much wrong with that statement.  Front squats felt great 🙂  We broke into sets of 10.  Handstand push-ups were by far the best I’ve ever done!  If ever there was a PR bell moment for HSPU, I think mine was today.  Sets of 5 for the last 3 movements and we finished at 33:44 I think.  Good times!!

Tues. Feb. 2:

With a running clock from 0:00- 30:00 Minutes perform:
50- Box Jumps, 24/20
50- Jumping Pull-Ups
50- Kettlebell Swings, 35/25
50- Walking Lunge Steps
50- Toes to Bar
50- Push Press, 45/35
50- Hip Extensions   <- OMG!
50- Wallballs, 20/14
50- Burpees
50- Double Unders
30:00- 35:00 Minutes: REST
35:00 Minutes- NOT FOR TIME perform:
Snatch Complex: 5 sets of: 1- Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat + 1- Hang Squat Snatch, climbing in load 
#75 (I think!)

My Filthy 50 time was brutal!  Was moving along really well until the hip extensions.  Hoped up on the GHD, rocked out 2 sets of 25, got off… and couldn’t feel anything from the waist down 😮 Like holy friggin hell I’ve been here before!!  Not a ton scares me.  Like really scares me… that did.  I stood in one place for what felt like 10 minutes willing my legs to return before picking up a wallball.  Ok, it wasn’t 10 minutes cause I did somehow still finish within the time cap, but still. WTF?  And the GHD should be a Glute Ham Destroyer cause it does.

As for the snatch complex, I redeemed myself ever so slightly.  Although my final round the hang squat snatch needed a do-over after a totally ugly rep.  Got under the bar so uncoordinated that I literally almost “took a knee”.  Sorted it our and still stuck the lift, but second attempt was solid.

Thurs. Feb. 4:

A. Squat Clean: 1-1-1  #105
B. Bench Press: 2-2-2  #105
C. Overhead Squats: 3-3-3  #105

Meh.  My brain has gone from “I don’t know if I can do this” to “eff this sh*t.  Not happening.”  Good times!  Although after a late Wednesday night, 6am came early.  My squat cleans were a bit of a hot mess, but I was pretty happy with the rest.

Fri. Feb. 5:

Part 1. Snatch: 2- Power Snatches every 30 seconds for 4 minutes – you choose the weight.  #65

Part 2. For Time
1000m Row, into:
4 Rounds for time
20- KBS, 70/50
60- Double Unders (practice)
Then, 1000m Row

Time – 14:37

Goal today – get some double unders and keep the row split time under 2:10/500m.  Done and done.  😀

Squat therapy


And I’m not even the hugging type.  But that’s a whole different story.

Where do I even begin?  Or more so, what do I even feel like sharing…

Staring at the bottom of your glass
Hoping one day you’ll make a dream last
But dreams come slow and they go so fast


I’ve been riding a high for so long that I was honestly starting to think it was possible to continue that way forever.  I knew life was good, but I don’t think even realized just how good until I got knocked down.  I’m still hanging on to the hope that I will be able to stick it out without falling apart until Yuko learns to just co-operate at the box.  Some days are great, some days are awful but c’est la vie.

We’ve been doing a LOT of cardio WODs lately it seems, which is exactly what I need right now.  My clothes are fitting nicely again 🙂  Plus Yuko and are still getting out for a walk or run every day it’s not pouring raining.  Around 5km per day has been the therapy I’ve needed at times.  Like Tuesday.  My DM came in to visit, which struck me as totally weird right when she first mentioned she would be in.  We don’t often see anyone from head office.  I’ve always had a good relationship with her, so although I was a little suspicious I was also looking forward to the visit.  My store looks great and sales have been quite good lately.  Except my fears were right.  I got a write up.  Ouch.  I’m not a fan of HR and never have been even pre-Henry’s.  They pass judgement without searching out both sides of any story.  Apparently an “exit interview” was done when we terminated my ex-assistant and he made some allegations.  Lie #1 – I spend too much time in the office on Facebook.  Ok – I am the anti-Facebook.  I was prepared to close my account after I moved from Etobicoke, but I stuck with it cause my CFD people have a group.  Only time I go on is to post pictures from the box, and that’s never on my ghetto work PC.  Lie #2 – I don’t let the staff have any fun.  I’m sorry if it seems unfair when I ask people to please lower the volume on their conversations when congregated near another staff member speaking with a customer on the phone.  Also not a huge fan of drawn out Snap Chat conversations while on the sales floor.  Further emphasis to my opinion that social media is harmful to relationships/friendships/family etc.  The part that bugs me the most is reflecting back to the looooong list of people I’ve worked with/for over the years.  I actually like my job.  I’m actually proud of the company I work for and the position I hold.  I’m one of the few people who still exist who actually give a damn.  But I’m getting a write-up.

So Tuesday morning’s WOD was great.  Then the shit hit the fan.  Then Wednesday is a rest day.  So TODAY I couldn’t wait to go sweat out anger/hurt feelings.  Today was a day that I would have attacked any WOD just cause I needed it so bad.  Good thing I guess, cause today’s WOD was brutal.

Thurs. July 16:

3 Rounds:
800 Meter Run
30 Dumbbell Squat Cleans (50’s/30’s)  20’s
30 Burpees

Time – 31:42

You know it’s wicked when the burpees are the “rest” portion.  That was the case today.  This was the kind of WOD that drags you right down to rock bottom, then pushes you to fight your way back up. Fitting for the emotional train wreck I’ve been for the last day and a half.  I probably should figure out a new solution for dinner though.  Most days it seems I get a good breakfast and lunch, then hopefully a snack before heading to the trail after work with the dog.  By the time I get home it’s too late for dinner and by morning I’m pretty hungry but I won’t eat before a WOD.  Could explain why I had to drag myself around the box (2x) for the final 800m…

Tues. July 14:

50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10 Reps:

Abmat Sit-Ups
200 Meter Run after each round.

I’m typing this on Thurs.  My abs still hurt.  A scaling option for the double unders was lower reps at 10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2.  I definitely got the last 3 rounds, but the 10 & 8 probably had a bunch of questionable reps.

Mon. July 13:

Teams of 3
AMRAP 7 Minutes: Thrusters
50 Reps (95/65) #55
50 Reps (115/80) #65
Max Reps (135/95) #75
-3 Minute Rest-
AMRAP 7 Minutes: Hang Power Cleans
50 Reps (135/95)  #65
50 Reps (155/105)  #75
Max Reps (185/135)  #95
-3 Minute Rest-
AMRAP 7 Minutes: Deadlifts
50 Reps (185/135) #125
50 Reps (225/155)  #145
Max Reps (275/185)  #165

Max Reps – 18 / 17 / 42


now I get it

Yet again, this post got stuck in the draft phase.  I can’t help that I have a hard time publishing something that feels unfinished.  Also can’t help that I’m pretty scattered sometimes.  I’m not apologizing though.  I made a vow to a friend that I’d stop apologizing.  It’s my blog and my story.  Sometimes it seems like there are gaps in the live version too.


Sun. May 17:

I’ve decided I’m over begin upset that the Sunday WOD has become an Open Gym time slot.  Mainly because it just means Rachel and Dave both come in and jot something on the white board and it turns into a WOD double-header day.  It’s been pretty wicked the last two weeks, but I’ve been lucky I guess that we’ve not had hockey.  Sitting here at my computer now, the thought of hoping in the car to go run around for an hour is not at all appealing.  I should have had a nap today, but instead Yuko and I walked to Tim’s at 5:00 to get a small coffee.  Small cause I hope to sleep tonight, but non-decaf cause I was fighting to keep my eyes open.  So the day started with WODs:

WOD 1 – In Teams of 2 

For Time: 150- Burpee Box Jumps

*Every 4 minutes, Run 400m (both partners) 

*Start the workout with a 400m run

Time – 19:06

WOD 2 – “treats” for time  #55 (all)

35 – Back Squats
30 – Push Jerks
25 – Front Squats
20 – Push Press
15 – Overhead Squats
10- Strict Press

Time – No friggin’ clue!  By the time this was done, my brain was too

Went to the box all prepared so Yuko and I could head to Bloomingdale after.  Much more fun to go on a long dog walk adventure with a friend, but I’m the only one who had to stick around for the long weekend, so Yuko and I headed out just us two.  Unlocked the secret to the running buddy I’ve been looking for – ditch the leash!  A bit of a problem when I want to run in the city, but we’ll figure it out.


Sat. May 16:

Ever have one of those moments that further justifies in your mind why you are doing or did something?  Could be anything.  Could be that moment when you final succeed at something and realize all the effort was worth it.  Could be watching someone else succeed and feeling proud you helped them find their way.  I had one of those moments yesterday.  I was helping a girl in a wheel chair to put a new memory card into her phone.  Probably one of the smallest transactions I processed all day, but by far the most meaningful.  I helped her take the case off her phone to put the card in and she asked if I could please get the dog hair out from behind it!  I smiled and we got to chatting.  Turns out, she has a dog guide!  And from the Lions Association just like Yuko!  That moment made things real for me.  To hear the personal story of someone who both loves and values her dog guide made this process feel more important than ever.  After 2 1/2 months of trying to come up with the right answer when people say “i couldn’t do that! How are you going to give him up?” I feel like I finally have a clear idea in my mind of the WHY, which hopefully will help with the HOW.  Raising a puppy only to turn around and give him back after a year isn’t a sad experience.  As I’ve said from the start, it isn’t about me at all.  It’s about the service I’m providing to someone who needs assistance by doing the best I can to help Yuko become a great dog guide.  While I just want to enjoy the year with my little man, I’m also excited for his graduation when I get to see him paired up with his new partner.  I KNOW he’s going to make someone very happy, and I’m already so proud of the dog he’s becoming.  Although I do wish he’d get over his passion for chowing dandelions…


I love that I got the most easy-going puppy there is, but he’s not quite the dream running partner.  Headed out this morning thinking we could get in a nice little run before heading to work.  While I had promised Yuko that it wouldn’t be a long one cause my cardio is pretty garbage right now, it ended up being even shorter than planned cause I was totally gassed from pulling his big butt the whole time!  I guess he could have been still tired from playing at the park last night?  I came home with a total mud-puppy!

mudpuppyOh, the joys of parenthood 😉  Yes, I’ve become that guy who shows you endless kid photos but he’s kind of a big deal in my world at the moment.  With 14 of the CFD crew currently in Trinidad, the mornings have been pretty quiet.  Yesterday I was the only non-coach to show up for the 7:30 class.  Just me and 4 coaches.  Good times!  The boys decided to do some regionals WODs while Sharon joined me for a little back squatting.  I wanted to put more weight on the bar, but got a disapproving eye considering I didn’t really take a rest day this week…

Fri. May 15:

Back Squats: Work up to a HEAVY set of 2 Reps*  #145

*10 push-ups & 10 bicep curls between rounds   #20lb dumbbells


Alright, I get it.  This morning’s WOD rubbed in my face that yesterday’s hill session should not be counted as a rest day.  If Tuesday was an upper body destroyer (which it WAS!!  Core too!  My chest and abs are still screaming) then today was the counter part.  My quads were dying in the first round and I had flash-backs of the hill sprints.  Oops!

Thurs. May. 14:

3 Rounds for Time:
75- Double Unders  *
50- Air Squats
25- Calorie Row

Time – 17:56 (I think!)

I got a few double unders in the first round, then proceeded to whip myself with increasing frequency and intensity.  By round 2 I felt like Fight Gone Bad and although I managed to convince myself “NO CRYING!”, I stuck with consistent singles.  The calves still got a good workout.


is that even a thing?


New 3 rep MAX today for deadlift 😀  Is that even a thing??  Well, I’m happy so let’s go with it!  I was inspired after reading a fellow blogger’s post about a deadlift competition and got to the box all pumped up.

Fri. May 8:

Part 1. Squat Cleans + Jerks Complex
3 Sets: 3- Squat Cleans + 1- Jerk   #85/#95/#105
* Increase load after each set

Part 2. Deadlifts – work up to HEAVY set of 3  #225
drop the load by 10-15% and REP OUT

Part 3. In teams of 2 – 2000m Row
Partner 1 – row for 60 seconds
Partner 2 – MAX effort Double Unders

Score for Part 3 = Total DU = 125

That’s right, after my NEW PR 3RM for the deadlift, I skipped the rep out portion.  But… I DID contribute to the 125 DU!  Like maybe 25, but for me that’s huge!  I also succeeded with the clean and jerk portion today 🙂  Fridays are great.

After I got home from the WOD and chowed down my breakfast, I figured 2 hours before work was plenty of time to take Yuko with his new bling (rabies tag) to the off leash park to burn off a little puppy spunk before heading to Henry’s.  He met some friends and played for a while until we wandered over to the watering bowl.  My off-white little rock star decided the best way to cool down after all his running was to plop himself right down in the muddy waters surrounding the bowl.  Shiiiiiiiit!  After an improv water bottle rinse in the parking lot we made our way home for a better pre-work clean up.  Ah, parenthood 😉

pigpenThat’s the moment before things got messy.  I didn’t get an after pic, probably because my jaw dropped and I stood in disbelief for a minute before luring him out with a treat.

6am Wednesday the running crew met at mt. Trashmore for a little hill running/lunging/bear crawling session.  It was super-fun and Yuko spent the whole time off leash running around and pretty much following me everywhere.  It’s tough to bear crawl up a steep hill with a dog winding figure-8s under your head and torso, but by the time I got to the top I had laughed so much my sides hurt a little 🙂

Wed. May 6:

Teams of 2:
40- Burpee Box Jump (20″)

30- Snatches (155/105)  #65
40- Burpee Box Jump (20″)
30- Clean and Jerks (155/105)   #75
40- Burpee Box Jump (20″)
30- Thrusters (155/105)   #75
*Share reps as needed

That’s right, I made it to a Wednesday WOD.  I mean, I had the day off cause Yuko had his 2nd puppy class AND this one sounded totally right up my alley.  Decided Thursday I could rest.  These decisions always seem like good ones at the time…  Anyways, making it to a Wednesday WOD means selecting a time slot that’s out of my morning comfort zone.  Got to the 4:30 and at times thought the sweltering heat might kill me.  Ok, I wasn’t really sweltering, but winter wasn’t so long ago and I’m not ready for this yet.  Box jumped for the first 20ish then my depth perception went all fucky and I nearly ate it.  Step ups will do.  My snatches weren’t pretty.  “Don’t be afraid to squat ’em!” Coach Dave yelled at one point but I WAS afraid to squat!  My legs remembered the morning hill sesh.  And thrusters were coming…

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“And suddenly you’s time to start something new and trust the magic of new beginnings” ---Meister Eckhart

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