one day it'll all make sense.

Posts tagged ‘Front Squats’

back on the wagon

Can someone please do a rain dance?  Or I could just get a car wash I guess if I want a sure thing… The humidity in Southern Ontario is really messing with me.  When you start sweating just tying your shoes, you have to know things are gonna get ugly.

Mon. May 25:

Clean and Jerk Complex:
4 Sets: 1 Power Clean+ 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks
*Increase load after each set*


Oh joy!  More squats!  2nd jerk of the 105 weight I clipped my chin with the bar on the way up.  Still got it up and locked out, but then I noticed the taste of blood.  With that, I collected Yuko on my way out the door to complete the second 800m run, then stripped the bar back to 75 again and spent a bit of time working on jerk consistency.

Yesterday I fell off the nut-free wagon, but dusted myself off and back on tract today.  After a spicy WOD of Rachel’s invention and more than an hour working on my jerk, I felt a little entitled to a treat.  Problem was I wanted a chocolate chip cookie dough Quest bar but I couldn’t find one.  So I figured a few dark chocolate almonds would satisfy me.  Wrong.  So later there were a few chocolate covered raisins too!  :-S  That worked, but I realized the chocolate almonds were entirely unnecessary.  Oh well.  Noted.  If they managed to give me super-human strength for this morning’s WOD that would be cool, but not the case.  My quads hate me right now.

Sun. May 24:

For Time:

1 Mile Run Row
60 Air Squats + 60 Double Unders  2x singles (all)
50 Air Squats + 50 Double Unders
40 Air Squats + 40 Double Unders
30 Air Squats + 30 Double Unders
20 Air Squats + 20 Double Unders
10 Air Squats + 10 Double Unders
1 Mile Row

Yup… 210 air squats, which were followed by almost an hour and a half of jerk work which of course included a squat clean before every jerk.  Except near the end I switched to power cleans when I was struggling just to stand up out of the squat!  100+ squat cleans for sure!  I was walking pretty funny by the time I left the box and later met up with friends to go for a looong walk with the pups.  My legs have every reason to hate me today.

Fri. May 22:

I made it 7 days without snacking on nuts 😀 and I didn’t die.  I had bitchy moments, but I kept them to myself as much as possible.  I must confess to crushing a whole watermelon all by myself in like 4 days, but I’ve decided that’s the lesser of a few evils.  I’ve also found myself with a Quest bar in my hand more than once and haven’t even tried to fight the temptation to eat it.  Let’s be realistic, I’ve probably cut around 800 calories out of my day.  You can be grossed out.  I am and always was, but it never stopped me from munching away like it was my job.  I don’t want my workouts to really suffer though.  This morning was not my best, but my body is TIRED from the other WODs this week.  Tuesday kicked my ass harder than I expected… it was still a struggle to touch my toes this morning.  Hammys were soooo tight!  And today was deadlift day, as if that’s not a winning combination!  Haha!

Tomorrow I’m going to a Jerk workshop.  Sounds awesome, right?  Well, it’s needed.  The last several weeks Friday’s WOD has involved building up to a heavy sequence of squat clean & jerk.  The limiting factor has been the jerk.  I just can’t seem to get more than 105lbs over my head!  I wish I could post a video on my blog cause the limit really has to do with when the weight gets heavy I turn into a big chicken and jerk it half way and strict press the rest.  Just feels safer somehow… That being said, maybe I just need a stronger strict press??

Part 1. Squat Clean and Jerk Complex
4 Sets of: 2-
Squat Cleans +1 Jerk


*Increase load after each set*
Part 2. Deadlifts: 3-3-3


There was meant to be a deadlift rep-out, but I bailed on that bit today.  It’s been a rough week and my sleep has suffered.  Woke up with a jolt Thurs. morning at 3:20 ish while invoices swirled around through my head.  The lack of network access at Henry’s on Tues and Wed completely drained me mentally.  Other than December, I’m usually pretty good at leaving work AT work when I go home.  This week that was not the case, so I cut myself a little slack when I just wasn’t 110% into the workout.

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