one day it'll all make sense.

Posts tagged ‘Pull-ups’

You can keep your diamonds


As I mentioned on the CFD comment thread for today’s WOD – deadlifts are a girls best friend.  Well, this girl for sure  🙂  Today’s WOD had my name written all over it.  Even the muscle ups couldn’t suck the awesome factor out of handstand anything and heavy deadlifts!  Also hours later nothing feels sore or overly fatigued so I was either moving really well or should have gone heavier… Or both.

Thurs. June 2:

2:00 Minutes: Handstand Hold (cumulative)
30 Rounds for Time
1- Deadlift- 80% of 1RM #200
1- Muscle Up (transitions)

Result – LOVE.  But no idea what time.

Hey!  So, I did Helen Tuesday.  Rx too! And my girlfriend isn’t even upset. Yet another comment that’s only not shocking in crossfit… Right up there with the only place white marks on the couch aren’t suspicious. (chalk. 😉 ) Anywho… it sucked at the start, but really wasn’t that bad!  Just my paws hurt.

Tues May 31:

“Helen” 3 Rounds for time:
400m Run
21- KB Swings 24kg/16kg
12- Pullups

Time – 12:37 Rx

Ran around like a crazy person after the WOD trying to catch up and all the life bits I’ve totally slacked on lately.  Even messed around with the guitar till my fingers hurt!  Then packed my food-prep-fail lunch (can of tuna, a handful of snap peas and 1/2 an avocado) and booked it to the World for a run before Chek.  One of those days where everything just comes together 🙂  trotted along for an easy 8km with a mix of people watching and HGTV before heading to the Sport Chek dungeon.  Learned my lesson last time too!  No men’s change room this time!!

Ok, so crossfit is awesome, my girl is awesome, work has been decent… Only thing getting in my way really is the constant never pain, but after finally talking to my doc and hearing his suggestion to put me on drugs that will make me gain weight, cause muscle weakness, cognitive difficulty, impaired balance, lack of motivation, bla, bla…. Never mind. I’ll deal with the pain and hide it with a smile as much as I can 🙂 it always could be worse.  And I’ve been drug-free for 6 months and couldn’t be happier about it!

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