one day it'll all make sense.

Archive for September, 2016

just for the record

Ok, my CF logs are pretty behind… I keep forgetting to bring my iPad with me to Btown and phone blogging sucks :p  Totally unrelated but have-to-share kind of thought… Love the way my jeans fit 😀  I was pretty scared to even put them on after their summer living in the closet but pleasantly surprised!  That’s a first! lol

Wed. Sept. 28:   CFD

OTM for 20:00 Minutes
Odd Minutes: 5- Deadlifts #315/#225 #185 + 5 Box Jumps
Even Minutes: 15/10 Calories on the AirDyne

This one was rough.  Hardest part quite possibly was collecting myself to complete the box jumps without catastrophic result.  Oh!  and 185 got HEAVY!

Tues. Sept. 27:  CFD

Make 3 attempts at each of the following:
Max Reps: Pistol Squats on your left leg.  6-8-10 🙂
Max Reps: Pistol Squats on your right leg.  7-8-10 🙂
Max Reps: Left-arm dumbbell snatches (touch-and-go). 10(all) #25
Max Reps: Right-arm dumbbell snatches strict press (touch-and-go).   10(all)  #25
Max Reps: Strict toes-to-bars. scaled version laying on floor holding the pull-up rig and touching toes above hands x20
For the squats, a set ends when your opposite foot touches the ground or you rest excessively at the top. For the snatch, use the heaviest dumbbell that you can find and still get at least 3 reps.

Well, I read this one and knew I’d be scaling all put the pistols cause I’m still trying to let my shoulder heal.  But pistols? Yes please!!  My butt still hurts (2 days later).  😀

Mon. Sept. 26: CFC

BUY IN – Thrusters
Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes:
3 Thrusters – 65 / 85 / 95 / 100 / 105
start at 60% 1RM and build to HEAVY triple

50 Wallballs (just once)
6 min AMRAP
12 Thrusters 95/65
12 Bar Facing Burpees


30 Wallballs (just once)
6 min AMRAP
6 Thrusters 135/85
6 Bar Facing Burpees

Result – 1+21 / 3+11  Rx

Fri. Sept. 23: CFC

“Lumberjack 20”
20 Deadlifts 165lbs
400m Run
20 KBS  35lbs
400m Run
20 Overhead Squats 75lbs (7@75, 13@55)
400m Run
20 Burpees
400m run
20 Chest to Bar Pull-ups (jumping)
400m Run
20 Box Jumps
400m Run
20 Squat Cleans 55lbs
400m Run

Time – Don’t remember?  But by the 2nd last run I was dying.  26 something I think…  Scaled like crazy for this silly shoulder thing so I was less likely to be impressed with my result from the start.

Wed. Sept. 21:  CFD

OTM for 20:00 Minutes
3 Burpees+ 4 Box Jumps 20″ + 5 Wallballs  #14
Yes all in the same minute🙂
Try to aim to get all 12 reps within 50 seconds of each minute

LOVED this one 🙂  flipped my box up to the 24″ height for the 2nd half cause things were going really well.  And jumped them ALL.

Mon. Sept. 19:  CFC

BUY IN – OTM, 10 minutes:
 Odd Minutes – 3 Deadlifts @80-85% 1RM   #205
Even Minutes – 4 High Box Jumps   24″

10 Rounds, for time

30 Double Unders (60 singles)
10 Wallballs
**Every 5 minutes sprint 200m
Time – 12:32

CASH OUT – Plank Holds
1 Minute R Side Plank
1 Minute Plank

 1 Minute L Side Plank

Deadlifts and box jumps?!?!  Is it my birthday??  Needless to say, the buy in was awesome.  As predicted, the WOD was a rough one!  Although I honestly thought it would take longer but regardless it was tough.  Another case in favor of learning double unders cause 600 singles… yeah :p

regroup. carry on.

legs-hangoverToday Amanda and I did Annie and Fran before breakfast!  Not the typical “Hero Friday” but technically it’s considered benchmark Fridays that has just happened to be all Heroes up until this point.  Since first reading the posted WODs early this morning, “Annie are you ok?” keeps playing on repeat in my mind…  After 8+ minutes of abuse, I really could care less if Annie is ok or not.  I forgot how much I hate abmat sit-ups!  Fran, however, was great!!  After more than 3 years of crossfitting I actually have a legit Fran time 🙂

Fri. Sept. 16:

Benchmark Friday @ CFC

Double Unders (reps x2 Singles)

Time – 8:50

Thruster  #65/#95
Time – 8:37 Rx!!

I know I need to put some serious effort into learning the whole Double Unders thing.  I know it, but I never seem to find time to do it!  There are always so many things I need to work on and I guess other things just take priority over whipping myself brutally.

Thurs. Sept. 15:

Benchmark Friday @ CFC

Buy In – Bench Press + Pendley Row
 Every 2:30 minutes for 10 minutes:
5 Bench Press  #95
10 Pendley Row  #55

15 Ground to Overhead #55
400m Run
12 Ground to Overhead  #75
300m Run
9 Ground to Overhead  #95
200m Run
6 Ground to Overhead  #105
100m Run
Time – 15:40 Rx

Buy in was ok today.  The weight felt good for the bench and super-light for the rows, but we were working in partners and didn’t really have time to add to both.  The WOD was great even though I was all over the place!  There were enough people in the 7pm class that we ran out of 10lb plates!  My game plan was all neatly formulated in my head to snatch the first two rounds and switch to clean and jerk for the rest.  Also planned to start with a 10 per side, switch to a 15 and a 5 for the second group, add the tens back for the third, and replace the 10 with another 15 for the fourth.  Lots of switching, but made perfect sense!  Until the workout started and I lost my game plan somewhere during the first run.  Came back and loaded the bar uneven… regrouped and completed the round as planned.  Except for the snatch part!  I was flustered and just started cleaning.  All good… Then round 4 I over loaded the bar!  Failed my first 2 attempts before realizing it was #115 not #105!  Regrouped again and finished the WOD.  Dead… last.  LOL!  But at least I finished it 🙂

just breath… and lift!

It’s harder to put in the effort to write something when I don’t have something totally exciting to talk about.  Some random drama right now too.  I’m back on the sh*t list with my mother for not doing a good enough job of balancing my very limited “free time” between her and my girlfriend.  “This always happens when you’re with someone!  We hung out lots when you were single!”  Thanks mom.  I don’t really think the solution is I need to just be single again, so… yeah. Added pressure at work this month too cause it’s the final month of the “year” and people don’t seem to be super camera-shoppy at the moment.

Wed. Sept. 14:

BUY IN – OTM, 12 rounds:
1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Squat Clean
**Increase weight each successful round

WOD – Wednesday Chipper:

10 Rounds for time:
40 Dumbbell Thrusters  #20
40 KB Swings  #35
30 Pull-ups
30 Weighted Box Step-ups  #20
20 Ring Dips
20 DB Squat Cleans  #20

Time – 12:30

Loved the buy in 🙂  The WOD was good too although it did involve random scaling for the ring dips and some of the pull-ups.

Tues. Sept. 13:

AMRAP 20:00 Minutes:
In Teams of 3-4, Relay Style:
20/15 Calorie Bike
15- Pushups
100′ Farmers Walk (70/53)

5 Rounds.  Airdyne makes push-ups way harder than they should be :p

Mon. Sept. 12:

3 Rounds for Time:
40- Air Squats
20- Hang Power Cleans #115/#75  #65
Rest 3:00 Minutes
2 Rounds for Time
5 –Rope Climbs
100 Foot HS Walk bear crawl
1 Min L Sit (accumulate if necessary) bar hang

Scaled the seconf part of this to death.  My hip was back to its old trips and my first rope climb was detrimental.  Ah well, can’t be superhuman all the time.

Sunday Amanda and I went to Open Gym at CFC.  Jason runs an insane 2 hour class which we’ve yet to attempt, but cause there are 2 gyms really the other side is available for working on your own or playing with the barbell club crew.  It’s been a good chance to work on stuff for the comp we are doing together in a month and get some pointers on lifts 🙂  3 years I’ve kinda struggled with the snatch and this past Sunday I got a few tips that really made sense!  First… it’s not a deadlift.  Ditch the stripper pose and lower your BUTT!!  Second, after you jump and open your hips… pretend your arms are full of groceries and you need to close the car door… with your butt.  :p


Last week’s Hero WOD Friday wasn’t as awesome for me as the previous ones.  Quite probably one of my favourite days of the week, however this week I didn’t live up to my typical expectations of myself.  I’m trying to not beat myself up for it too much though considering I took the smarter route by scaling stuff cause my shoulder is still pretty unhappy with me after last Friday.  Why can’t we all be indestructible??  Anyways, I need to be smart in this respect for once in my life.  In just over a month my girl and I have our first comp together 🙂

Fri. Sept. 9:

BUY IN – Warm up:
Part A – 3 Rounds
30 sec. Skipping
10 per leg Spiderman Stretch
5 Scapula Pull-ups / 2nd round 5 Strict Pull-ups / 3rd Round 5 Kipping Pull-ups
Part B – Empty bar
100m Jog
10 Good Mornings
100m Jog
10 Back Squats
100m Jog
10 Elbow Rotations
100m Run
10 Strict Press
100m Run
10 Front Squats
100m Run

10 Stiff-legged Deadlifts


10 Rounds for time:
5 Thrusters  #65
10 Pull-ups  scaled
100m Sprint
Rest 1 minute

Time – 23:45

Only part of this I did Rx today was the sprint.  I HOOFED it!  🙂  The scaling option Coach suggested for the pull-ups involved a barbell on the rack, high enough that arms were fully extended sitting on your butt… then grab the bar an pull straight up with feet still on the floor.  Challenging, but my shoulder was down for that 🙂  Rx for the thrusters was 80lbs too, which I don’t think I’ve ever done before but would like to have at least tried.  Oh well… next time 😉  There will be a next time.  I liked this WOD and really want to give it another shot when my shoulder is happy again.


Love. Ok, all the ones in the photo have bacon, but only half did. And we crushed them all… Sounds pretty ridiculous except that skewers happened at lunch time, then we finished them off for dinner. And I still fell way short of my calories goal for the day. My chick eats twice what I do, yet I’m the one who struggles to get my giant quads into my shorts. It’s bull shit. Anyways… Skewers were so good!!

why can’t we have both?

I got to work this morning in my summertime “uniform” of shorts and flip flops.  Added a t-shirt instead of a tank top since it IS September now and all, but looked around at all the people walking around in pants and long sleeves.  A little much people!  It was a cooler morning than the utter sweatfest we endured in July and August, but still!  I like the slightly cooler weather (especially for WODing!!) but I’m not at all ready to tuck away my flip flops for the season!  I’ve already warned Amanda I plan to wear them till it snows.whiteHero Friday was a tough one this week!!  Back up a moment… I was pretty smitten with myself for completing the whole workout on Thursday without scaling the pull-ups even though my paws were pretty angry.  Then when I read Friday’s WOD I realized I wasn’t entirely smart.  15 rope climbs and 50 toes to bar were tough with sore hands and lats, but I was stubborn (as usual) and went Rx anyways.  Slowest Rx time recorded for the day! High-5!  LOL!  You can’t win ’em all.  My last round of toes to bar were a broken rep scheme 3-2-2…2(shit!)..1…1…1(arg!)…1 but at least I finished it 🙂  I’m a bit tired and more than a bit sore, but happy with the accomplishment.

Fri. Sept. 2:


5 Rounds, for time:
3 Rope Climbs
10 Toes to Bar
21 Overhead Walking Lunges #45/#25
400m Run
Time – 34:10 Rx


Well, shit.

Thurs. Sept. 1

For Time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1:
Box Jump 24/20
Kettlebell Swing 2/1.5  16kg

Time – ummm…. wish I could remember!


Kanji was back this week 🙂  I’m trying not to totally love this little guy, but it’s pretty hard since he’s so awesome.  So nice to have a reason to get back outside for long walks along the trails where I spent so much of last summer…  and another reason to look forward to fall when the bugs will go back to hell where they belong.  tank eat

True story.  Actually it’s the thought process that often gets me through the toughest of WODs.  “Just make it through and breakfast will follow!”  I don’t really want to talk about food today.  I’m tired of looking at myself in the mirror and thinking “WTF?!” and I’d rather be at Ribfest with my girl than sitting at my desk munching on lettuce.


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