one day it'll all make sense.

Posts tagged ‘Overhead Squats’

lacking direction


Some days, I have no idea.  Getting closer to the Christmas craziness and I’m trying to get myself organized enough that it won’t be too insane.  But who am I kidding really 😉 At least my shopping is pretty much done.  Although it’s a little bittersweet, I thankfully don’t have many to shop for since changes at work could leave me bitter and searching for a new job come January.  Fingers crossed that’s not necessary though.  My 4-legged fur child will be completely smitten to play with an empty box on Christmas morning.  My Sport Chek job redeems itself large when it comes to shopping for my sporty parents.  My sister Claire has become a friend more than ever this year which makes me super happy AND gives me lots of gift ideas, and the youngest sister is a punk and might be getting a lump of coal.  See? Easy.


I feel like I should touch on the Whole Life Challenge.  I got so far as a 2-part draft that has yet to be published, and I’m not doing a re-edit now cause that’s often where I drop all the “real ness” from it cause I realize that things didn’t work out as planned.  Anyways, a few of us are already talking about doing it again.  I need guidelines in life.  Without a goal or target, things spin out of control.  Almond butter finds its way back into my fridge, stays for a few days, then disappears.  It’s a bad scene.  On the bright side, I killed yesterday’s WOD.  Coach Dave asked at one point why I don’t blog anymore.  I didn’t really have an answer for him.  Actually I didn’t really have an answer for myself… But I think I do now.  I think I’ve realized that I just don’t know what direction I want to go anymore.  I’ve beat the food element to the ground.  I’ve rambled endlessly about crossfit. But I’m at least a little bit over talking about both.  Both still excite me, but neither are new.  The honeymoon is over.


Fri. Nov. 20:

5 Rounds: 
1:00 Minute: Overhead Squats #115/#75 
1:00 Minute: KB Swings (24/16kg) 
1:00 Minute: Toes to Bar sit-ups
1:00 Minute: Rest 

Result – 350 reps

10-30-30.  That was my goal from round 1, and I DID manage to maintain it the whole way through 🙂  Weights were Rx too.  Woot!  Some days it just comes together.  Nice way to wrap up the week.

Sun. Nov. 15:

WLC Complete.  I had written in my agenda – CRUSH final WOD.  I was partially successful with that goal I guess.  Completed 36 more reps than I did the first time through, but my pull-ups still held me up more than I would have liked.  Oh well, it’s about progress.  I killed the row, and it returned the favour.  Felt like death for a bit after going as hard as I could for 15 minutes.  I DID however, win the challenge points part (nutrition, mobilization, water, etc) so I’ll just be happy with that 🙂

Fri. Nov. 13:

It’s been a strange week.  Monday WOD was good.  Tuesday Coach Dave told me I should be taking a rest day post-comp (oops!), so I stripped some weight off the deadlift bar (sigh) and rested Wednesday as usual.  Thursday I could barely walk.  WTF?! My stupid hip was back to its old tricks and full force!  I left Sport Chek an hour early, much to my manager’s disapproval, cause the stupid hip was killing me.  He’s a nob.  He’ll get over it.  Then today, I woke up feeling perfectly fine, almost like Thursday was just a bad dream.  Weird, although I’m not complaining.  Side note – my dreams have been really weird too.

Today is the LAST day of the Whole Life Challenge.  Tomorrow, there will be bacon.  No question.  I predict chocolate in my future at some point too…  All in all, it’s been a great experience for me.  It’s taught me some habits that I will most definitely look to continue.  Example – I have not missed taking my MS drugs ONCE in 56 days!  That’s unheard of.  And I’ve finally (after years of saying I would) started taking vitamin D.  Supposed to be insanely important for people with MS.  My water intake was always good, so that wasn’t a struggle.  Stretching at least 10 minutes a day feels really good, so why stop?  Plus Yuko enjoys the ritual of stepping on my hair and trying to lick my face while I’m on the floor.  AND I’ve gone through the hang over of giving up some bad food choices so I have no intention of falling back down that rabbit hole.  My main goal wasn’t weight loss, although it’s totally a bonus, cause I’ve lost 10lbs along the way.  The final test will be to see how my performance compares on Sunday when we do our ending workout.  One thing I didn’t stick with as much as intended was my goal to work on my pull-ups.  I mean, I had 56 days… I should have been able to make a difference in that period but I just haven’t put in the effort I had planned.


just cause

IMG_2354Here we go again with getting “stuck” in the draft phase…  Without pictures, life would be boring.  I keep waiting till I have a chance to add some.  No more waiting, but no more looking for the perfect image to support my text :-p  Haha!  Side note – I got 2 compliments on Sunday at hockey 🙂  I was having a total “I just feel like a fatty and Whole30 is really not worth all the self-torture” day, to the point I nearly decided “screw this!  If I’m going to be unhappy with how I feel even when I eat super-squeaky-clean, then I’m going to be happy with eating chocolate and ice cream and maybe even that damn Oreo cookie I was craving a few days ago”.  When I got to hockey one of my team mates, Tink, introduced me to a friend she brought along.  Friend whispered something and Tink just laughed!  “She said you’re JACKED! And asked why I don’t look like that!”  Tink told me.  LOL!  I totally blushed.  That was exactly what I needed to hear that day.  The other compliment was from the time keeper who for some reason asked my age and was surprised by my answer.  “You don’t look 32 at all!!”  she said 🙂  I guess I should mention that I got myself into a conversation with the time keeper while sitting in the penalty box…  Shit happens :-p


Tues. May 5:

Teams of 23
60- Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
60- Calorie Row
15- Synchronized Overhead Squats (135/95)  #70
10- Synchronized Overhead Squats (155/105)  #80
5- Synchronized Overhead Squats (185/135)   #85

Time – 16:35  (Moi, Tara, Julio)

Dave’s “treats” post-WOD

20x burpee box jumps

YEAH!!  I feel like I haven’t box jumped in forever.  This being said, my wrists were toast after the OH squats and I nearly did a face-plant with my first burpee…

Confirmed – my body is begging for a rest day.  I’m kind of ok with that 🙂  Means I’ve either been working hard, or sleeping crappy and not drinking enough water…  I’m hoping it’s option A, although it may be a combination.  I wouldn’t say I’ve been not sleeping well, but the last few days I almost launch out of bed earlier than needed.  Could just be the change in the weather (finally!)


Thanks to the valiant efforts of a larger-than-normal Tim’s coffee, I’m finally feeling a little less like I was run over by a truck :-p  Two days in a row I’ve let myself fall into Coach Rachel’s trap and left the box in a mental fog haha!  It’s a good trap, but has its moments.  The new an “improved” schedule for May got rid of my usual Sunday morning WOD and replaced it with Open Gym.  Left to my own devices, not much is usually accomplished in Open Gym, but when Rach asked “heyyyy Kate!  Wanna join our partner WOD??”  I couldn’t say no.  Rachel’s programing sometimes can bring out the competitive side for me of “can I even do that??”

Mon. May 4:

Part 1. Squat Snatch: 3-3-3   #75 (x1, #65×3)
Increase load after each set <– not today!

Part 2. Front Squats: Work up to a HEAVY set of 3 reps   #135
Then drop the load 10-15% & REP OUT   #105 x18

Took Yuko and Syrup out to pee.  When I came back in Amanda asked “Do you want to work out??” with a big smile on her face.  Umm… didn’t we just… Ok!

For Time:
150 Double Unders   350 Singles
75 Push Press   #35

Time – 6:35

Then 100 walking lunges just cause.  My lower half had just recovered from the 200m walking lunges on Friday, so what the heck?  Why not!

Sun. May. 3:

In partners – Rest while partner works:
100m Row + 25 Burpees
200m Row + 20 Burpees
300m Row + 15 Burpees
400m Row + 10 Burpees
500m Row + 5 Burpees

Rest 5 minutes

1 Mile 800m run

Rest 5 minutes

OTM, 16 minutes:
ODD min – 3 Squat Snatch     #55
EVEN min – 3 Clean & Jerk (split)    #55

And an hour later, I grabbed a speed-shower and booked it to work.  15 burpees in I was dying LOL  Decided to cut the run in half considering I knew I had to run my tail off at hockey later.  I don’t regret the decision!  It took like half the day to recover from…  my cardio has gone out the window 😦


In other news—

While I wouldn’t necessarily consider it a milestone worthy of celebration, there’s definitely an opportunity to reflect…  March of 2015 was 10 years since I was diagnosed with MS.  It’s been an interesting ride, no question although I still consider myself incredibly lucky.  Since about a week after the shock and devastation of hearing those life altering words “You have MS.” I’ve made it a goal to manage the disease in a way that allowed me to continue being me.  For the most part, nutrition and exercise have helped me succeed with that.  Frame of mind has played a big part too!  I won’t say there haven’t been some bumps in the road, but I’ve made it this far 🙂

Another landmark – April 2015 marks 10 years working for Henry’s.  After 10 years, I’m still in a position where I can honestly say I’m proud to work for the company I do.  I’ve worked hard to climb the ranks and earned my stripes honestly.  I’m good at my job, but not cocky about my awesomeness :-p  Here’s where the 2 milestones tie into each other.  If you’ve followed along with my ramblings for some time, you should agree that I’m pretty open about the MS thing.  I share my experiences pretty openly, especially through my blog, but there are battles that I deal with regularly which I keep to myself.  Especially in a working environment.  I’m currently in the position where I need to hire 2 new sales associates.  Generally speaking, not much intimidates me at work.  I have no issue speaking up and voicing my view in a group of managers like at the meeting I was at this week.  I have no issues speaking to my staff in either a group or individual setting.  All of these people know me though.  When it comes to speaking to a new audience, such as performing an interview, I get nervous.  Sound dumb?  I have speech issues at times.  Could be an MS symptom, which is quite common, or also could be a result of the ridiculous number of concussions my poor head has experienced.  When sitting alone with a new person, it’s frustrating and a little embarrassing when I know exactly what I want to say, but somewhere between my mind and my mouth the message gets lost.  I’ve stared blankly.  I’ve spit out all the wrong words.  I’ve slurred, regrouped, restated, all while apologizing repeatedly.  It’s awkward and quickly beats down my confidence.  An interview should be easy and comfortable.  My intention is to get a feeling of how the applicant handles a new interaction and how easily they can carry on a conversation.  One of my applicants last week mentioned “sorry!  I’m a little nervous!”  The thought that crossed my mind – “You’re nervous?!  I’m just praying my brain cooperates and I don’t make myself look like an idiot!”

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“And suddenly you’s time to start something new and trust the magic of new beginnings” ---Meister Eckhart

Kind Keto Mama

Raising my ketones and raising my kids!