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Posts tagged ‘Daniel’

game plan

Today was so incredibly interesting!  I’ve mentioned before I find nutrition fascinating and this morning I finally got to a body composition and nutritional counseling session I’ve been trying to make happen for a few weeks.  Won’t lie and say I wasn’t nervous of what I was going to hear on the body composition side.  I fully expected to be pretty disappointed in the weight and body fat percentage stuff, but I’m pretty happy to admit I was kinda pleasantly surprised.  The weight was in line with what I had expected, but my lean muscle mass is actually pretty good!  (happy dance in my head).  Anyways… the main reason I wanted to get to see Jen was for the nutritional counseling.  My stomach has been wrecked pretty much since I took myself of the Tecfidera in January.  I’ve also been frustrated for years as weight seems to slowly creep up again even though I eat super-clean and exercise a shit-ton.  A bunch of people have given different suggestions and opinions, but I wanted to talk to someone with the educational background to support her point of view.  Plus, forever I’ve heard and suspected I’m not eating enough.  Well, great.  Need more information than that to make a change.  Not like I can add anything I want and have a positive impact… I mean, I could easily eat more bacon and a whole jar of peanut butter but pretty sure my workouts would suffer and NONE of my clothes would fit.  Anyways, for once I have a plan.  It might not be perfect, but it’s a place to start and I’m pretty excited 🙂  Excited enough that the commitment to no more Quest bars or peanut butter is one I think I can live with.  Plus I have a follow-up session in like 2 months, so I have some accountability to stick to the plan.  Good.  Game on.

Guess I should be a little more clear as to what I’m hoping to accomplish.


  • 5lbs ish increase in muscle mass
  • revamp of my daily food plan:
    • 140-150g protein
    • 100g or less carbs (rest day) / 140-150g carbs (active day)
    • 75g or more fats (but less nuts!  more avo/seeds)
  • timing of carbs to give my body the fuel it needs for workouts.  Sweet potatoes are BACK!!!  Woot!!
  • Figure out what the hell is going on with hormones.  That’s a whole topic on its own, but not getting into details.
  • Bottom line – I want to feel better, sleep better, lift heavier and look good naked.  Doesn’t seem like too much to ask lol!!

Post session with Jen, Amanda and I jumped right into the warm-up for this treat of a workout.  Had to arrive to the body comp thing with an empty stomach, and after Sharon’s bday WOD Thursday night at 5:30 I went to watch my girl play hockey and completely missed dinner too!  A tbsp. of peanut butter (tisk, tisk I know!) was my only fuel post Thursday WOD and pre Friday WOD.  Fail.  I suffered.

Fri. Aug. 5:


50 Pull-ups
400m Run
21 Thrusters
800m Run
21 Thrusters
400m Run
50 Pull-ups
Time – 21:14

OMG sooooo hot out this morning!!!  The run tried to suck any remaining life out of me.  Pretty sure I actually asked Amanda if I could lay down at one point.  Otherwise pretty happy with this one 🙂  Got through 30 of the opening pull-ups before scaling and the thrusters felt pretty solid as Rx.  Wanted to continue with the pull-ups in the final batch, but even well-chalked I just couldn’t keep a grip on the bar.  Progress though!  My still-sore abs didn’t even complain all that much about all the kipping!

Thurs. Aug. 4:

AMRAP in 30:00 Minutes
3- Back Squat (Heavy)   #95
9- Burpees

Result – 10 rounds + 1 back squat :p

Today should have been my rest day… except it was Coach Sharon’s birthday WOD so I really didn’t want to miss it even though it sounded pretty awful and I was already tired and sore.  I finished it.  That’s about all the credit I can give myself though.  I DID stick with the HSPU all the way through aside from 1 round where I thought regular push-ups would be a good little break but was sadly mistaken.  I don’t usually sandbag WODs, but I certainly didn’t give this one the effort it deserved.

Last note – I love my new shoes #ReebokNano5


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Keto Kelly

Living my best life - sans carbs and sugar.

The Bright Side - Keto and Healthy Living

“And suddenly you’s time to start something new and trust the magic of new beginnings” ---Meister Eckhart

Kind Keto Mama

Raising my ketones and raising my kids!