one day it'll all make sense.

Posts tagged ‘hockey’

oh Christmas tree

Dec. 25

Merry Christmas everyone 🙂  Christmas brings a time to embrace traditions, spend time with family, and EAT lots of food!  Growing up, my whole family used to get together at my grandparents, but since they have all passed away it’s become ritual to spend the day in Brampton at my mom’s 🙂


After the ice storm a few days ago, my mom had mentioned Brampton had been hit really hard.  Nothing could have prepared me for just how bad!  Driving along my childhood street last night was like driving along the path of a tornado.  Many people on the street still don’t have power.  Trees are down everywhere.  It’s sad 😦


my backyard 😦

Today is one of the hardest days of the year to avoid temptations…  There are cookies everywhere and stuffing and gravy…  but thankfully LOTS of veggies and of course turkey.  Plus I brought along some of my own Paleo Gingerbread and Chocolate Coconut balls 🙂

Dec. 26

Ok, I’m not going to lie and say I was completely disciplined yesterday.  I kind of caved a few times in the form of heavenly nut-covered cheese log… and candy cane ice cream.  😮  Whatever, it was GOOD!  I justified the cheese log by eating it on a slice of zucchini instead of a cracker, but still so non-Paleo friendly.  It was Christmas.  Now it’s over and I’m back on the band wagon.

Hope Santa was good to everyone 🙂  I got some:

images[3]which I’m excited about testing out!  I’ve heard nothing but good things 🙂  Three days off from the box would normally hurt my brain, but it’s been a busy 3 days!  Today being the busiest retail insanity of the year.  Now that Christmas is all said and done, the excitement is building by the minute for the gift that more than makes up for the year I got a toboggan seat cushion as a gift from my dad.  I was 9.  And less than impressed.  But this one is going to be a day to remember 🙂


daddy daughter day 🙂

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Kind Keto Mama

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