one day it'll all make sense.

Posts tagged ‘beep test’

catching up

Friday I had a battle of witts within my own little mind that left me feeling the need to do a little research before rambling on about it.  Sitting at my desk making schedules (blech!!) and my mind started wandering.  “hmm… kinda bored, or kinda hungry…”  That’s when the debate started.  Right brain said “Have a QUEST BAR!!” (which is totally not what I need) while Left brain said “NO.  You brought baby cucumbers.  Don’t waste the ass-kicking from this morning.  Be smart.”  I stood in the lunch room for a few minutes debating, but thankfully found the will power to side with my Left brain.  Mmmm… cucumber.  :-p  Anyways, my quick research session taught me that our right brain tends to act based on emotion.  This could lead to further googling… do women have “bigger” or more dominant “right brain” processing than men?  Or does the “left brain” simply take a vacation from all decisions for us “once a month”?  Gives me something to think/read about on my long boring oops! uh, “invigorating” days in Cambridge…


The last few weeks I’ve been increasingly frustrated that my shirts are getting shorter.  I’m not getting taller.  (I wish!)  Even talking my oh-so-flattering work shirts which I’m pretty sure are like 99% polyester and I wash in cold water/hang to dry.  ARG!  Yup, yesterday I actually took a look in the mirror, like with my contacts IN and the light ON, while I was brushing my teeth.  😮 Ok, maybe my shirts aren’t shrinking… maybe my TRAPS and shoulders are holding them up higher than they did before!  Jeezuz!  My “back squat cushions” have grown!  I must be finally learning to shrug my clean/snatch!  Yes 🙂  Except I might need longer shirts.

Chased a new PR at Chek on Thursday without success.  My current 1RM for scaling shoe shelves carrying shoe boxes is 3.  Cause ladders hurt the “for time” element.  Thursday I went for 4.  FAIL.  My options were – catch myself with my ARM (nice black bruise on my elbow and good scrape down the forearm) or free fall from a few shelves up.  Unfortunately, I’m probably crazy enough to try again next week.



Ok, I have some WOD details that I didn’t post this week cause it kind of just flew by somehow and I didn’t want to take any of the spot light away from the Showdown Throwdown cause it totally deserved it.

Fri. Aug. 29:

warm-up   The Beep Test

With a running clock perform:
0:00- 17:00mins-
Build to a Heavy Set of 3: Deadlift   #185

17:00-22:00- REST

22:00 Minutes- OTM for 14 Minutes:
Odd Minutes – 7- Deadlifts (60%)   #115
Even Minutes – 200m Run

Ever done the Beep Test?  A nasty little treat at 7:30 on a Friday morning.  Last time I remember doing this gem was while enrolled in a Bootcamp program.  Doing it with a bunch of like-minded crossfit sadists could have been a totally different experience had this actually been done with the intent of making it as far as possible.  One day I’m sure we’ll get that chance 😉  In Bootcamp I don’t remember what level we made it to, but I do remember it was just me and my girlfriend still too competitive to give up while the rest of the class sat and watched.  I also remember I lost.  Stupid short legs :-p  I hope for a do-over one day…


For the OTM part of today’s WOD, my deads should have been heavier.  The challenge with this one was getting the 200m run done within the 60 seconds.  The “Heavy Set of 3” could have been heavier too.  My form felt bang-on though, so I’m ok with it.  And there was coffee waiting when all was said and done.

Thurs. Aug. 28:

Part 1. Spend 20 Minutes: Rope Climbing and Pullups

Part 2. “Double Grace”
60- Clean and Jerks
T1- #135/#95- 7:00 min time cap
T2- #115/#75- 8:00 min time cap
T3- #95/#65 9:00 min time cap

Result – T2 – #75 – 9:00

Yes, I went past the time cap.  BUT… I also stepped out of my comfort zone in terms of weight.  I initially had #65 on the bar, with my usual intention to go light and fast.  Not today.  It was only a 10lb difference, but totally changed the game!  This WOD played itself out as a total “mind game”.  First 10 – ok, this isn’t so bad.  10-20 – OMG this is going to take forever!  20-30 can I even do this??  30-45 ok, past the halfway…  just keep moving.  45-50  singles now.  #75?!  way to go hot shot!  sweet jeezuz.  50-52 YES!  Less than 10 to go!  52-58 Excitement lost.  Keep… moving… 58-60 Just DON’T DROP THE BAR!!  and… DONE.  Literally.

A few hours later… I want to do it again one day soon.

Tues. Aug. 26:

With a running clock perform:
0:00- 20:00mins-
Build to a Heavy Set of 3: STRICT PRESS   #75 & 1 @ #80
20:00-25:00- REST
then complete for time
100-Double Unders
50-Strict Presses #95/#65  #55
*Every time you break the presses, 30 Double Unders

Ok, I’m sooooo friggin close to figuring these suckers out.  I got a run of 4 double, single, double, single, etc.  My shoulders were cooked from the strict press and my entire core is crying a little from all the toes 2 bar / knees to elbows yesterday.  I know, I know… boo-hoo

Mon. Aug. 25:

Woot!  More cleans 🙂  From the ground this time too!  The wheels somewhat fell off my form when we first started warming up, but I kinda got it together.  Enough to get a few at #95 before the METCON.  My hip flexor has been bugging me a bit since last week, like “Death Valley” in the Throwdown made it pretty angry, but it otherwise hasn’t been bad enough to convince me to take a break.  The more I move, the better it feels.  I’ll have lots of time to rest when I’m 90.

AMRAP 20 Minutes of:
6- Power Cleans #185/#135  #75
12- Burpees
18- Toes to bar
200m Run or Row or Airdyne

Result – 4 rounds + 27 reps almost made it back to the run!

Toes 2 bar laughed in my face today.  I got I think 10 in the first round, 5 in the sencond, 2 in the third and otherwise went with knees to elbows.  Can’t win ’em all.  I DID have a victory post-WOD though when I strung together 5 kipping pull-ups… twice!  Boo-ya!


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